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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 2 February 2023

The staff are delighted to be under way with the new school year. We have thoroughly enjoyed the first two days with your children.

For most of the new children the settling-in process will be very quick. For a small number, this may take a little longer. Please keep your child’s class teacher informed as required.

Morning congestion has increased with all of the Secondary School students returning. Give yourself plenty of time to navigate the drive to school and to find a park.

Start of Year Information

  • please use the Kea crossing on Normans Road if applicable. It operates from 8.00am–8.30am each morning, and for 15 to 20 minutes straight after school. All children (and parents/caregivers) are required to use the crossing when it is operating; 
  • please click here to view a diagram of the Normans Road drop-off zone. For vehicles, the entrance is at the Centennial Chapel end of the main carpark, but the drop-off is at the other end near the Preparatory School driveway. This is a drop/collect and leave area, just like at the airport. Please note, there are three 5-minute parks allocated in the drop-off zone for Pre-school parents and caregivers use only;
  • there is no facility before or after school to enter the Preparatory School driveway directly from Normans Road and park outside the Pre-school. There is only one visitor park there, but it is not available when there is high pedestrian movement i.e. when the crossing is operating;
  • all children must have a St Andrew’s College wide-brimmed or bucket hat this term, and given the time of year, it would be best if sunscreen is applied at home before coming to school;
  • the Preparatory School Handbook is available online here:;
  • there is a morning tea for new parents tomorrow, Friday 3 February in the Preparatory School Library at 11.00am;
  • the Preparatory School Meet the Teacher and PTA Wine and Cheese Evening is a combined event on Tuesday 14 February commencing in the Centennial Chapel at 5.45pm. There will be individual Parent–Teacher Interviews before the end of Term 1 (Week 8);
  • the Staccato Café, in the Preparatory School, is open for parents from 8.00am–9.15am daily. This is a great way to meet new people;
  • at any time should you wish to meet with your child’s class teacher, please make direct contact with them to make this arrangement;
  • please refer to the Mobile Phones and Smart /Apple Watch Policy in the Handbook. In short, these devices are not permitted at school. In some cases, individual dispensation may be granted for serious or complicated factors before or after school. Please note: Year 7 dispensation from last year does not carry over to 2023 – there needs to be a new application for consideration. Please only apply if there is a real and valid reason for your child to bring a phone or smart watch to school. In just about all cases, after school transport arrangements can be sorted using the student phone at Reception or an email to the relevant class teacher.

2023 Loud Shirt Day – Friday 24 February

Read more about Loud Shirt Day 2023 by clicking here

2024 Enrolment

If you are thinking about another child starting with us next year and you haven’t already submitted an application, I encourage you to do this immediately as places will be tight. Your child will have sibling status (priority) but they will be considered in ‘date of application’ order which means the longer you wait to apply, the further they will be down the list.


Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Swimming Prelims (Years 4-8)

Swimming Prelims will be held on Monday 13 February in the pool at Jellie Park Recreation and Sports Centre. The students will be transported to and from the venue by bus.

Only Year 4 parents are permitted to attend this event. This is due to Year 4 Championship Finals being held at Prelims and not at Swimming Sports Day (Monday 20 February) due to venue restrictions.

Students will compete at the below times:
Year 4              9.45am–10.45am
Years 5–6        10.45am–12.00pm
Year 7              12.00pm–1.30pm
Year 8              1.30pm–3.00pm

Students will need to wear their PE gear and tracksuits to school, with their togs underneath. All children will require: towel, snacks, water bottles, and suitable footwear for the pool.

The preference is for blue or black swimming togs for girls, and blue or black speedos or skins (not board shorts) for boys. 

The aim of the prelims is to place the students into races that are appropriate to their abilities. It is vital that the children are exposed to opportunities to practice swim safety and confidence in the water.

More information will follow for the actual Swimming Sports which will be held on Monday 20 February.

Preparatory School Sport

Shout out for sport shoes, boots, and school shoes

If you have a pair of last year's sport shoes, running shoes, football/rugby boots or school shoes that no longer fit your child and are in good condition, please give them to Deputy Principal of Preparatory School (Operations) and Head of Preparatory School Sport, Mr Alex Kelley, via reception.

Last year, such shoes were given to children who couldn’t afford these items at various low decile schools – it would be great to do this again. Please ensure the footwear is clean and in good condition before sending it in.

Any questions, please feel free to email Alex Kelley, on

If you wish to donate your child’s old footwear please could you do so by Friday 10 February.

Sport Options

You will have received a link to select your child’s sport options for 2023 on Monday 30 January. This should have been completed by Wednesday 1 February. If you have not yet responded, please email your child’s selections directly to Deputy Principal of Preparatory School (Operations) and Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley, on

You can expect to hear from summer sport co-ordinators regarding your child’s chosen summer sport (or sports) by next week. All sports are due to start in Week 3 if school-based, apart from Year 7–8 cricket which starts straight away.


Please note that at St Andrew's College we do not cancel sport practices. In the case of wet weather, your child will be supervised/coached in an indoor space or classroom until the usual finishing time. In the case of inclement weather, you may come and collect your child earlier, however you will need to inform the sport coach or co-ordinator. We are responsible for the welfare of your child during this time so please do not arrange for them to meet you somewhere without informing the coach responsible (parent/guardian – not the child). We will be assigning classrooms/areas to each sport/team, this information will be provided by the sport co-ordinator. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact Deputy Principal of Preparatory School (Operations) and Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley, 

Summer Sport

Summer sport co-ordinators will be in touch in due course, however, here is a guide to when each sport will begin in Term 1:

  • Athletics – Week 3
  • Badminton – Week 3
  • Basketball (Year 3–4) – Week 4 – Thursday 23 February (first game, practices to start in Week 3)
  • Cricket – This week (Wednesday/Thursday trials), practices in Week 2
  • Cricket Centre – Week 3 – Thursday 16 February
  • Futsal – Week 3 – Wednesday 15 February (Year 5–6), Thursday 16 February (Year 7–8)
  • Mini Kickers – Week 3 – Wednesday 15 February
  • Mountain Biking – Week 4 – Wednesday 22 February
  • Summer Hockey – Week 3 – Monday 13 February
  • Summer Netball – Week 3 – Wednesday 15 February
  • Tennis – Week 3, Tuesday 14 or Wednesday 15 or Friday 17 February
  • Touch Rugby – Week 3 – Friday 17 February
  • Volleyball – Week 3, Tuesday lunchtimes from Thursday 16 February
  • Water Polo – TBC

Winter Sport

Football, Hockey, Netball, Rugby

Team selections at Years 7–8 for football, hockey, rugby and netball will be made during Years 7–8 Core Skills (Period 5 every Wednesday) this year. This will start on Wednesday 15 February.

Winter Sport seasons (first games) begin on the following dates. All fixtures will begin either on the last Saturday of the holidays or once we have returned to school in Term 2.

  • Football – Saturday 22 April (This is at the end of the second week of the three-week holidays)
  • Rugby – Saturday 6 May (The Saturday after we return from school holidays)
  • Netball – Saturday 29 April (The last Saturday of the holidays) (Future Ferns (Years 3–6) – Thursday 4 May)
  • Hockey – Saturday 6 May – (The Saturday after we return from school holidays)

Basketball team selections will be conducted later in the term, the basketball season does not start until Term 2. Teacher in Charge of Preparatory Basketball, Mr David Ermerins will be in contact later in the term.


Preparatory School Co-curricular Sign-ups

If you wish to sign-up your child for one of the below co-curricular activities, please visit the link below.

  • Speech and Drama Tuition;
  • Instrumental and Singing Tuition;
  • Pipe Band and Highland Dancing;
  • St Andrew's College Ballet Academy.

Sign up form >

PTA Second-Hand Uniform Shop

The PTA Second-hand Uniform shop is located beside the College Shop – Thistles, next to the Normans Road carpark and is open every Tuesday and Thursday, 3.00pm–4.30pm. If anyone is keen to volunteer in the shop, please click here to complete the volunteer sign-up form.

Café Volunteers Needed

We urgently require parent volunteers to assist in the College cafeteria for the year. We do rely on parents to assist us to help keep costs down, which will ensure our profits will go back into the College. Hours are between 9.00am and 1.30pm (approximately).

Please email Cafeteria Manager, Linda Kohing, on for more information.