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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 16 March 2023

Parent Interviews: Monday 20 – Thursday 23 March

Parent Interviews will be spread over four days and we are pleased to be able to hold in-person interviews. If you are unable to meet in person or during interview week, please contact your child’s teacher directly to make an alternate arrangement.

Please note, all Years 4–8 children are required to attend the interviews.

Please enter and leave the Junior Department via the gate behind the Pre-school. Entry to the Years 4–8 building is via the front door and exit via one of the two maglock doors either beside Year 5 (at the end of the building) or beside Year 4 (in the middle of the building).

Please contact Reception if you experience any difficulty making a booking. Bookings will close tomorrow, Friday 17 March at 4.00pm. If there is no suitable time available for you, please contact your child’s class teacher directly (via email) and another day and time will be arranged.

Site link:
School code:  cp6ut

At this interview, your child’s beginning of year assessment results will be discussed along with the draft Goal Setting Report. 

Please note, Mrs Wylie’s class is not included in this interview round, they have a different interview timetable.


This whakataukī is about perseverance and endurance. We can use this saying to encourage someone not to let obstacles get in their way while striving to reach their goals. 



Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Junior Department Cultural Week

This week the Junior Department has been celebrating Cultural Week. It has been wonderful listening to and learning about the different cultures that we have at St Andrew’s College.

Today, the children were encouraged to dress in something that represented their culture. This could be traditional cultural dress or something that represents their culture to them. Cultural Week will finish perfectly with the Highland Games tomorrow. 

Year 7 Top Team

On Wednesday 8 March, Year 7 students participated in Top Team, hosted on the Preparatory School field by Sport Canterbury. Students were split into 16 teams across Year 7 with a mix of students from different classes. They were given time early in the term to create team names, plan costumes and practice team chants. Students then competed against one another to be the Top Team!

Top Team is a series of interactive team building challenges designed to promote problem-solving, communication and teamwork while being active and having fun. Top Team is unique in that it is designed with all abilities in mind. This helps takes away the ‘intimidation’ factor of physical activity and increases confidence amongst non-participating rangatahi to take part in future events. Top Team encourages maximum participation and fun.

The Top Team activity was another part of the transition to Year 7 programme that aims to help students to adjust to their new year level and make connections with a wide variety of students across the year group.

Chapel Service

On Sunday 12 March, the Preparatory School welcomed students and their families to the Centennial Chapel for our first Sunday chapel service of 2023. The community were welcomed by the new 2023 Sacristans and we were delighted to see such a wonderful turnout for this occasion. Preparatory School Chaplain and Religious Education Teacher, Jillian Fenton, led the service. Assistant Chaplain and Secondary School Religious Education Teacher, Ben Hughes, delivered a message on how making mistakes is an opportunity to learn, and the importance of being kind. Thank you for your support of this great occasion that saw the Preparatory School come to together. We look forward to the next Preparatory School Sunday Chapel service on Sunday 18 June.

Canterbury Primary and CAIM Schools Triathlon 2023

On Tuesday 14 March, 27 students competed in the Canterbury Primary CAIM Schools Triathlon. It was encouraging to see the team grow from eight students last year to 27 this year. All of the children were committed to give their best and to fully experience the triathlon environment.

Approximately 70 students competed in each age group, with their bikes filling all racks available in the transition area.

Thanks to Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley for marshalling and the parents for providing amazing support to the whole team. Well done to the triathlon team of 2023! Ka mau te wehi! What an excellent day for all.

  • Top 10 Finish – Year 7 Girls: Isla Marshall – 9th overall;
  • Top 20 Finishes – Year 7 Boys: Hayden Brown – 15th overall; Jackson Morrow – 18th overall; Year 7 Girls: Elliot Harper – 12th overall; Alice Glover – 13th overall.

Independent Schools Swimming Sports Day (ISSA Zones)  

The ISSA Preparatory Swimming School Championships were held at Wharenui Pool on Tuesday 7 March. It was an eventful day at the pool with Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley on lead marshalling duty. Students who placed first or second at the St Andrew’s Preparatory School Swimming Sports Day qualified to represent our school at this event.

Students from Years 5-8 competed in the freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, open butterfly and mixed relay events. The students were pleasantly surprised by the calibre and standard of students they were swimming against. It was a hard zone to compete against and an excellent opportunity for all. Two relay teams placed second, but it was not enough to beat the combined teams of Medbury School and St Margaret’s College.

Students who placed first and second in their event will now qualify for the Canterbury Primary Swimming Sports Day on Thursday 30 March and represent our zone.

The students should be commended on their effort and desire to be the best that they can be. Well done! 

Results >


Sport Medley Holiday Programme

This year we will be running a Sport Holiday Programme during the last week of the April holidays (Wednesday 26 April – Friday 28 April). The sessions will run between 9.00am–1.30pm each day. Students can be dropped off from 8.30am. We will meet in the Preparatory School Library. Lunch will be included each day. The programme will be available for Year 1–8 students.

The sessions will be run by a variety of professional coaches and staff. The sports included are futsal, netball, indoor hockey, basketball, cooperative games, tag games, and more..!

The cost of the programme will be $180.00 for the week.

Students have the option of a six inch or foot long Subway sandwich for lunch. Gluten free wraps are also available. There will be an additional $10.00 charged for a foot-long for the three days. Students will need to bring in morning tea and a water bottle.

Please click here to download and complete three entries for Subway, one for each day.

An additional service is available for your child to be supervised from 1.30pm until 3.30pm. The cost of this will be a further $10.00 per day disbursed to your College account.

Please complete the online permission form and return the Subway form (one order per day = three entires) to the Preparatory School office by Wednesday 5 April. Payment will be disbursed to your College account.

Complete the online Permission Form here >

If you have any questions, please contact

AIMS Games – Tauranga 2023

Entries due to Deputy Principal of Preparatory School (Operations), Alex Kelley by Friday 26 May

During Sunday 3 – Friday 8 September 2023, the Preparatory School Girls' A hockey team, and the A netball team will compete at the annual AIMS Games in Tauranga. Over 11,000 Year 7–8 students from over 360 schools have competed at these games in a variety of sporting codes in the past.

There will also be a number of individual sports available. However, due to the limited group accommodation available in Tauranga, we are unable to at this stage include individuals as part of our official tour. If you would like your child to compete at the games and you are able to travel, care for, and get them to and from the events then I can complete and forward the entry on your behalf.

In travelling to and competing at the AIMS Games, your child would be included in any activities offered to the tour group and tour apparel will also be available.

You should only consider this option if your child is an elite performer in their chosen sport. The individual sports offered are:

  • Badminton
  • BMX
  • Canoe sport
  • Cross country
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Hip hop
  • Indoor bowls
  • Mountain biking
  • Rock climbing
  • Squash
  • Swimming
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis
  • Yachting

If your child is in this category and you would like to consider this option, please email Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley, on and he will provide you with further information. You can also access the AIMS Games website which provides further information on each sport offered:

Student Successes

Highland Dance

Adelyn (Year 5) and Iaera (Year 3) Abrahamson achieved great results at the Balmoral Competition in Hagley Park over the weekend. Iaera won runner up most points in the U8 age category. Well done Adelyn and Iaera.