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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 24 August 2023

Advanced Notice

  • Term 3 will conclude on Friday 22 September at 12.35pm. Please note, there will be no Afterschool Care available.
  • The Preparatory School Term 3 Awards Assembly will be at 11.00am on the last day of term (Friday 22 September).
  • Term 4 will commence on Monday 16 October at the usual time (there is no Teacher-Only Day).

Grandparents’ Day | Friday 20 October

This year, Grandparents' Day will be held on Friday 20 October. This special occasion will commence with entertainment in the Centennial Chapel at 10.45am. Following the entertainment, everyone will leave the Centennial Chapel and meet up with the Preparatory and Secondary School children waiting in anticipation outside. There will be a photographer available to capture this special day for those who would like this option.

Please note, there is no morning tea this year. The number of people attending Grandparents’ Day has risen beyond what can be safely accommodated.

Visitors on Grandparents’ Day need to register to attend. This will ensure that the children are released from class to meet with them. Please use the link below to register for this special day. 


Crossing Normans Road

If you or your child need to cross Normans Road before or after school, please ensure the Kea crossing is used, when in operation. It is very dangerous not to do so, particularly with the morning sun. Also, please do not attempt a right-hand turn onto Normans Road when leaving the drop-off zone.

Te Wiki O Ngā Pukapuka (Book Week) 18–22 September 2023 | Theme: Who’s Your Hero?

Excitement is starting to build for our annual Book Week at the end of this term. We have five days of activities and fun planned around the theme of 'Who’s Your Hero?'

We will be joined by New Zealand author Maria Gill, who is best known for her non-fiction books about our home-grown heroes. We will be celebrating all book heroes during this week, not just those with capes!

The highlight of the week will be our annual Book Parade. This will take place on Thursday 21 September starting at 12.00pm.

All students are invited to dress up as book characters for the day and join in the fun. 




Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Class Placements

This year, we plan to place the children in their 2024 classes before the end of this term. Please note staffing for 2024 is not yet finalised and there will be some changes.

The process is similar to previous years:

  1. Your child's current teacher (Years 1–7) is the contact point for any information you would like to be considered. Please submit information via email.
  2. Please only submit information that you consider crucial or new. For the large majority of children, the classroom teachers will be able to make informed and appropriate choices.
  3. Please restrict your information to one consideration. More than one consideration or requesting a specific teacher will not be able to be met. If suggesting friendship considerations, please give three possible connections, and we will endeavour to accommodate one.
  4. The closing date for receipt of information is Friday 8 September 2023.

This year, the teachers will again use a computer program to assist the process. At each year level, the teachers will work together to enter the information (their own plus other sources i.e., parents, learning support, pastoral support, etc.) and the program will generate the class lists. The College's database does not have the facility to compile future classes, so to have an option that doesn't allow double entries or missed names is helpful and quicker. 

Power up to Save our Planet!

For the past six weeks in Science, all Year 7 and two Year 8 classes have been involved in discovering the amazing phenomenon of electricity and how it is generated, moved, and used across Aotearoa. Each class has collaborated twice a week with a STEM professional who is currently employed in the local Engineering industry. With their expert support and knowledge, students have gained invaluable learning opportunities.

Six local engineers, Mitchell Davis (OC 2018) and Oliver McArdle from Deta, Susan Paul from WSP, Alex Gillon from Stantec, Tim Preston from GHD, and Stuart McGirr from ElectroNet, have supported our budding STEM enthusiasts to design, build and test their wind turbines. The students have worked as a team to light up a mini town using the power of renewable energy. 

We are extremely grateful to OUR volunteer industry ambassadors from the Wonder Project, Engineering New Zealand’s free programme for schools. This collaboration has been designed to get young Kiwis excited about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

We also wish to thank Deta, WSP, Stantec, GHD and ElectroNet for allowing the weekly visits and Teams calls from their inspirational engineers. This invaluable time spent with our tamariki, illuminates potential future careers in an industry where there is a huge skills shortfall.

Year 8 Communion Service

Last Sunday, our annual Year 8 Communion Service was held in the Centennial Chapel. It was a very special occasion for all of the students and staff involved.

Flickr >
Y8Communion SLJ 7703

ISSA Ski Race

On Tuesday 22 August, St Andrew’s College participated in the annual ISSA Schools Ski Race at Porter Heights. The 30 students, from Years 0–8, were all determined to retain our 2022 championship. 

Once more, our Co-Ed Primary team of Isabelle Greer (Year 6), Luke Russell (Year 5), Alessandria Greer (Year 4), and Francesca Greer (Year 3), exhibited exceptional skills and emerged victorious as the fastest Co-Ed Primary team of 2023. 

Likewise, our Intermediate team of Estelle Russell, Theo Smith (both Year 8), Edward Park, and William Patterson (both Year 7), secured the award of being the fastest Co-Ed Intermediate team of 2023. 

Of special note, Alessandria Greer (Year 4) earned the prestigious award of the Overall Fastest Girl Years 1–6. Unofficially, she proved to be the fastest female skier among all Year 1–8 participants on the slopes that day. 

We were blessed with the weather, and the remarkable support of parents contributed to the seamless unfolding of the event. 

St Margaret’s College Sport Exchange

On Wednesday, teams from the Preparatory School travelled the short distance to St Margaret’s College to take part in the annual Winter Sports Exchange. The sun warmed the winter air as the two schools faced off in games of hockey and netball. Despite the competitive nature of the teams involved, all games demonstrated fantastic fair play and a mutual respect for each another. Overall St Andrew's won six, drew one, and lost one, and all players left everything on the playing field. Thank you to everyone involved in a great afternoon of sport.


  • Hockey: Preparatory A won 4–1; Year 7–8 White drew 1–1; Year 7–8 Navy won 5–3.
  • Netball: Preparatory A won 39–19; 8B won 20–7; 8C won 13–1; 7A won 21–17; 7B lost 2–10.
Flickr >
PrepSMCExchange DSC 3106

Student Successes

Creative Writing

Georgia Blyde (Year 3) has had her poem published in Toitoi, journal for young writers and artists.

Lake Benmore

The waves are swishing over the hard pebbles
The kids are screaming as they ride behind the boats
The parents are watching
The lake is dark blue
The boats are roaring like tigers
When someone comes near their cubs

Georgia 3AL Rectors Comment

Highland Dancing

At the recent Ashburton competition, Adelyn Abrahamson (Year 5) won runner up Most Points U10 and Iaera Abrahamson (Year 3) won runner up Most Points U8. Iaera also won the U8 Highland fling trophy.


Plant a Native Forest this Father's Day

2023 Photography Online Orders

The online sales for the following 2023 photographs are now available:

  • Ballet Academy photo (NEW – option to order A3 now available);
  • Preparatory School cricket, tennis, water polo, mini jammers basketball, House and Sports Captains, and Librarians;
  • Secondary School summer sports groups (except for cricket and volleyball);
  • Secondary School cultural and music groups;
  • individual student photographs;
  • Year 9 and Year 13 whole year group photographs;
  • Secondary School tutor group photographs;
  • Preparatory School class photographs.

Details of how to order the photographs can be found on our website using the button below and you will need to log into StACNet using your St Andrew's College login.

If you have any questions relating to this service, please email

Online Photography WIDE 2023