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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 2 November 2023

Get Spotted Melanoma Awareness Week

We had a good few days of Sun Smart learning last week. I hope the children hold this thinking during the summer break and continue to apply sunscreen and be well covered with hats and clothing. Sincere thanks to the families who made donations to Melanoma New Zealand for our Spotty Theme Day last Friday. The total amount raised was $1100.  


Leavers’ Parade

On Monday morning, the Preparatory School children and staff celebrated and acknowledged the Year 12 and 13 leavers as they were piped from the flagpole to the Centennial Chapel for their final assembly. This has become a tradition for the Preparatory School and was a very special occasion for all involved.


StACTalks: Cyber Safety | Thursday 9 November | 6.30pm–8.30pm, Centennial Chapel

Our next StACTalk is a must-attend event designed to equip parents with essential knowledge and tools to navigate the digital landscape alongside their children.

Please endeavour to send one parent/caregiver from your family.

This is a hard-hitting, eye-opening and often hilarious in-person event presented by filmmaker, author and speaker, Rob Cope. Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed and engaged in your child's digital journey. The following topics will be covered: Cyberbullying, social media, gaming, online predators, pornography, smartphones, filters and boundaries.

Please note: this event is aimed at supporting our parent/caregiver community and is not suitable for students to attend. 




Please park legally on the road. If you happen to notice a car on yellow lines or part way over a driveway, please email a photo of the car with visible number plate to me on I will send this information to our Community Senior Constable for follow up. Illegal parking often inhibits sight lines and make things more difficult and dangerous for everyone.



Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Student Successes


The Australian Mathematics Competition results are in for the 80 St Andrew’s College students who participated. Worldwide 172,791 students from 2156 schools were entered in this, the world's largest mathematics competition for secondary school.

Benjamin Yu (Year 7) and Zilong Chen (Year 7) achieved perfect scores, receiving the prestigious Peter O’Halloran Awards. This is extremely rare – according to Wikipedia, the record for perfect scores was in 1998 and Australia (as a whole country) had 10 while Singapore had 23.

Full results:

  • two Peter O’Halloran awards (perfect score);
  • two Prizes (Top 1 student for every 300 students within their region and year group);
  • 22 Distinctions (top 20%);
  • 33 Credits (top 55%);
  • 20 Proficiency (score over 32);
  • three Participation.

Pre-school Art

This week, some of our Pre-school children were invited to join with a Year 5 Art class to make a Christmas decoration out of clay. The older students carefully guided those from the Pre-school and there was excitement all around as everyone had the chance to get a little creative. There was a wonderful sense of leadership, togetherness and kindness as the children all worked together in this creative space. Having the opportunity to strengthen connections within the wider school is so important to us and it feels really special to be part of such a connected community of learners.

Christmas Box Appeal

A big thank you to the Year 8 teachers and students for contributing to the Christmas box appeal this year. With all students contributing an item each, we made up 20 boxes that will be sent to refugee children in Ukraine and Poland in time for Christmas.

Future Problem Solvers

St Andrew’s College Preparatory School students experienced huge success last weekend in Auckland at the 2023 National Finals for Future Problem Solving, coming away with three first placings for New Zealand amongst other accolades:

  • First place – Year 8 Future Problem Solvers team for ‘Global Issues Problem Solving’. The members of the Year 8 winning team are: Maja Clark, Alexa Collis, Alysa Geddes, and Sophie Schouten;
  • First place – Year 7 Future Problem Solvers team for ‘Presentation of Action Plan’. The members of the winning Year 7 team are: Alice Glover, Tasmin Wingfield, Benjamin Yu, and Joy Zuo;
  • First place – Year 8 Individual Problem Solver Genevieve Bainbridge-Smith for ‘Global Issues’;
  • Third place – Year 8 Individual Problem Solver William Nicholls for ‘Global Issues’;
  • Second Place – Year 7 Future Problem Solvers team for ‘Global Issues Problem Solving’. The members of the team are: Benjamin Edward, Cong (Zilong) Chen, Louis Hyland, and Emmett Lawler.


Raymen Dai (Year 4) at just eight-years-old, conducted the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra on Saturday night. He conducted the full orchestra for one item at the ‘Last Night of the Proms’ in the Town Hall.

Raymen is a talented musician himself and is well on the way to achieving great things through music.


Ballet Production: Trilogy

This year we present Trilogy, a triple bill showcasing three different performance presentations in one show! Kaleidoscope – a colourful fusion of dances developed over this year, creating a kaleidoscope of artistic endeavours. Peter and the Wolf – a delightful ballet that tells the story of Peter, his animal friends and a menacing wolf, with a score composed by Sergei Prokofiev in which each character is represented by a distinct musical theme. Winterscape – an original ballet, capturing the spirit and beauty of winter, journeying from a misty landscape to an enchanting skating party.

When: Friday 1 December – Saturday 2 December 2023

  • Friday 1 December, 1.30pm–3.15pm;
  • Friday 1 December, 6.30pm–8.15pm;
  • Saturday 2 December, 1.30pm–3.15pm;
  • Saturday 2 December, 4.00pm–5.45pm.

Where: Gym 1
Adult ticket: $35.00
Student ticket: $20.00

  • Please note: Seating allocation will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Self-refunds are available up to one day prior to show time.
Trilogy 2 1
hats art logo

Scholastic Book Fair | Monday 13 November – Thursday 16 November

From Monday 13 November we will be holding our annual Scholastic Book Fair in the Preparatory School Library.  There will be a fantastic variety of children's books available for purchase, and with Christmas approaching fast, it's a great way to give the gift of reading! 

The Scholastic Book Fair will be open from 9.30am on Monday 13 November to 4.00pm Thursday 16 November. Parents and caregivers are welcome before and after school, from Monday afternoon.

Purchases can be made at the fair by credit or debit card only. Please, no cash or cheques.

If you are unable to visit the Book Fair, your child can bring home a Wishlist for your approval. You may then complete your credit/debit cards details on the back of the form and return it to the Book Fair with your child to purchase their chosen book(s). 

The Scholastic Book Fair is an important event in the Preparatory School calendar, with a generous percentage of sales from this event is used to support our very successful Wide Reading Programme.

Thank you for your support.

StACTalks: Cyber Safety | Thursday 9 November

Our next StACTalk is a must-attend event designed to equip parents with essential knowledge and tools to navigate the digital landscape alongside their children. This is a hard-hitting, eye-opening and often hilarious in-person event presented by filmmaker, author and speaker, Rob Cope. Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed and engaged in your child's digital journey. The following topics will be covered: Cyberbullying, social media, gaming, online predators, pornography, smartphones, filters and boundaries.

Please note: this event is aimed at supporting our parent/caregiver community and is not suitable for students to attend. 


StAC Talks 2x1 Cyber Safety

Music Performance Concert | Monday 13 November

Any child in the Preparatory School is welcome to perform in the Music Performance Concert on Monday 13 November, 3.45pm in the Preparatory School Music Room.

It is expected that the Music scholar students will take part in this concert. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to gain experience and confidence performing in an informal performance setting.  There are only 20 performance slots available on a first come first served basis. Please note that there is an accompanist available to play for this concert. There is a fee of $50.00 should your child require an accompanist. You will be expected to provide the accompaniment music for the accompanist.

Enrolment information needs to be completed online by Thursday 2 November.


Ngahau November 23

Tūhono Kapa Haka Festival | Saturday 25 November

The Kapa Haka group is performing in the 9.00am Ngahau Performance on Saturday 25 November.

Tickets are now available for family members to buy. Performers do not require a ticket. This is for the students in Years 4–8 who are performing at the Town Hall in the Kapa Haka group.


City Mission Christmas Appeal

The Community Service team is helping organise the College’s contribution to the Christchurch City Mission’s Christmas Appeal. Students and their families are invited to help disadvantaged children by donating gifts for children aged 3–14. The unwrapped purchased gifts can be taken and placed under the Christmas tree in the Centennial Chapel. This is a great opportunity to help our wider Christchurch community during the Christmas period, which can be a tough time for families, so we hope you all get involved.

For more information, please contact Please bring in your donation by Wednesday 6 December.

City Mission IMG 3425
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The Strowan Gathering | Sunday 3 December

Come along to a gathering in the Scottish Highland tradition. Hosted by St Andrew’s College in partnership with the Canterbury Caledonian Society Pipe Band, join us for this free event as we celebrate all things Scottish, with a hint of Christmas cheer! Featuring piping, drumming, Highland dancing, Scottish country dancing, and a Pipe Band contest. With a bouncy castle, food vendors and a licensed bar, there’s something for everyone to enjoy at this fun, family day out!

When: Sunday 3 December, 9.00am–5.00pm
Where: St Andrew’s College Field
This is a free, non-ticketed event, no bookings are required

What's Happening When >

2023 Photography Online Orders

All 2023 photographs are now available to purchase online:

  • individual student photographs;
  • sports, cultural, music and leadership groups;
  • Year 9 and Year 13 whole year group photographs;
  • Ballet Academy photo (NEW – option to order A3);
  • Secondary School tutor group photographs;
  • Preparatory School class photographs.

Details of how to order the photographs can be found on our website using the button below and you will need to log into StACNet using your St Andrew's College login.

If you have any questions relating to this service, please email

Online Photography WIDE 2023