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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 15 February 2024

Meet the Teacher

Sincere thanks to the many parents who attended our ‘Meet the Teacher’ event on Tuesday evening and the following PTA Wine and Cheese gathering. I hope you found the shared information useful. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any follow up questions. Thanks also to the PTA representatives in attendance on the night who did a sterling job with the Wine and Cheese event and the clean-up at the end. The evening was enjoyed by all.

Parent Interviews in March | Bookings close Friday 15 March, 4.00pm

Parent Interviews will be spread over four days from Monday 18 – Thursday 21 March and are in-person interviews. If you are unable to meet in person or during interview week, please contact your child’s teacher directly to make an alternate arrangement.

Please note, all Years 4–8 children are required to attend the interviews.

Please enter and leave the Junior Department via the gate behind the Pre-school. Entry to the Years 4–8 building is via the front door and exit via one of the two maglock doors either beside Year 5 (at the end of the building) or beside Year 4 (in the middle of the building).

Please contact Reception if you experience any difficulty making a booking. Bookings will close Friday 16 March at 4.00pm. If there is no suitable time available for you, please contact your child’s class teacher directly (via email) and another day and time will be arranged.

Site link:
School code: 79p4z

At this interview, your child’s beginning of year assessment results will be discussed along with the draft Goal Setting Report. 

Please note, Mrs Wylie’s class is not included in this interview round, they have a different interview timetable. Also, the Year 6 teachers, Miss Haisty and Mr Fleming, are currently on camp; their interview booking access will open during the weekend.

Staccato Café

The Preparatory School Staccato Café is open for parents daily 8.00am–9.15am. This is a great way to meet new people.

Driving in the vicinity of the College

Morning congestion has increased significantly since last week. Please take care as you approach the College and navigate parking.  

  • unless you are a Pre-school parent (with a visible Pre-school parking permit on your dashboard) do not use the allocated parks in the drop-off/pick-up area from 7.50am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday;
  • please use the Kea crossing on Normans Road. It operates from 8.00am–8.30am each morning, and for 15 to 20 minutes straight after school. All children (and parents/caregivers) are required to use the crossing when it is operating;
  • please remember you can only turn left onto Normans Road when exiting the drop-off zone;
  • the Preparatory School Handbook is available online:
  • please do not park across neighbouring residents' driveways. We have unfortunately had reports of this occurring on Normans Road.


Netsafe provides free online safety advice. You can view their parenting resources by clicking here > 




Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Around the Campus

Kapa Haka

Last Friday, the Middle Syndicate classes had their first kapa haka session with Matua Steve Reid and teacher Mary Leota. The Year 5–6 students shared their haka pōwhiri (Tōia Mai) to welcome the Year 4 and our new students to kapa haka, and the Year 4 tamariki shared what they had learned in Year 3.

In Kapa Haka lessons, tamariki learn various waiata, haka, games and traditional dances and activities such as rākau (stick games), poi and taiaha.

In Term 1, all students in Years 4–8 participate in kaka haka sessions, and we then build a team to perform in school events, sports tours, ceremonies, and in the Tūhono Kapa Haka Festival later in the year. Tamariki are also taught the tikanga (the rules and values) of kapa haka and learn karakia and waiata that can be sung in assemblies and in Chapel.

Our kaiako (teachers) join in enthusiastically and learn the waiata, so they can continue the learning in their classrooms. It is lovely to see the energy and joy that the tamariki bring to kapa haka. The menemene (smiles) are delightful!

Production Music

Year 13 composition students are creating the music for a production the Year 7–8 students have written. This is an exciting creative and collaborative project where students are working with Head of Music Duncan Ferguson, composition tutor Alice Tanner, and Director Ginnie Thorner.

Pre-school Waitangi Day Celebrations

The Pre-school recently commemorated Waitangi Day in a way both meaningful and engaging for our youngest ākonga. Last week, tamariki were invited to participate in a number of learning experiences that remind us of how we can uphold the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and that shows our respect for te reo and te ao Māori, including working together to create our own classroom treaty; sharing pepeha; joining in waiata with each other; and creating clay pikorua (a powerful symbol for loyalty, friendship and love, signifying the strength and beauty of enduring friendships).

Student Successes

Highland Dance

Highland Dance

On Saturday, Georgia Gregg (Year 7) competed in Timaru and won the South Canterbury Championship Irish Jig U12.


Parking in the vicinity of the College

A reminder to parents parking in the streets around the College at drop-off and pick-up times, please do not park on yellow lines, especially when close to intersections. When parked cars are blocking the line of sight it makes it difficult for other drivers to turn safely onto the roads, causing them to have to move further into the road to see. This could be dangerous not only for drivers but also for pedestrians and cyclists.

We have also received reports that residents in Normans Road have been blocked entering or leaving their home by cars parked across their driveway, and would like to remind parents/caregivers not to park across driveways and be courteous to College neighbours. 

Co-curricular Sign-Ups

If you wish to sign-up your child for one of the below co-curricular activities, please visit the link below.

  • Speech and Drama Tuition;
  • Instrumental and Singing Tuition;
  • Pipe Band and Highland Dancing;
  • StAC Ballet Academy.

View Sign-up Forms at >

Cafeteria Orders

This is a reminder that the College's Kindo lunch service now has an order cut-off time of 8.00am.

Preparatory Swimming Sports 2024 | Monday 19 February

Important Information: there will be no Prelims this year, in order to provide students and classroom teachers more time in class. The venue has also moved from Jelly Park Recreation Centre to Wharenui Sports Centre to align with the ISSA Swimming Sports Day and venue restrictions. We also warmly welcome our Year 4 Preparatory School students to join us on our Swimming Sports Day and all parent/caregiver community.  
The Preparatory Swimming Sports Day will be held on Monday 19 February. 
This event is for Years 4–8. Students will travel to and from the event by bus. 
Years 4–6 will complete in the morning from 9.00am–11.30am (Opening Ceremony starts at 8.45am) Years 7–8 from 12.0pm–3.00pm (Opening Ceremony starts at 11.45am). 
Students should be changed prior to leaving on the bus (i.e. students do not get changed at Wharenui Sports Complex). Students may use the toilets but must let a teacher know. 

  • uniform is blue or black swimming togs for girls, blue or black speedos or shorts (not board shorts) for boys; 
  • House colours are permitted to be worn on the day when not swimming;
  • all timing will be completed by staff members and senior students;
  • all students are to compete in freestyle and backstroke;
  • students may opt into Championship and Non-Championship Races (Championship Races will be timed for the finals);
  • Year 5 upwards will swim two lengths, otherwise communicated with their teacher prior to the day. Please let your classroom teacher know if your child feels unsafe in the water. Students who struggle in the water will have support and other students not as confident in the water will only swim one length in the shallow lane/s with a senior student if needed;
  • students may opt into the two-length breaststroke and two-length butterfly races, but must communicate this information to their classroom teacher by Week 2. The butterfly race is an open event which means all age groups compete against each other and is a timed straight final;
  • students who have the fastest eight times in Championship Races will compete in the final. 

Music groups in the Preparatory School

Junior Choir: This choir is for children in Years 3–5. This is not an auditioned choir. This is compulsory for Year 3–4 students. Year 5 children all sing in the choir for the first term and then can choose if they wish to remain in the choir for Terms 2–4 where they will join the Cantare Choir (this choir rehearses period 6 on a Tuesday in the Preparatory School music room). The weekly choir rehearsal for the Junior Choir is on Thursday afternoon at 2.25pm in the Music Room. Directed by Ros Emeleus, accompanist Margot Askin. The Junior Choir starts Week 1.

Cantare Choir: This is an all-comers (not auditioned) choir for children in Years 6–8. This year the choir will rehearse at 8.20am on a Tuesday morning in the Chapel, and period 6 (2.30pm) on Tuesday afternoon in the Preparatory School music room. The choir sings mostly secular music and participates in the annual Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival. Choir director: Ros Emeleus, choir manager Greta Henley, accompanist Margo Askin. Cantare Choir will start Week 3, Tuesday 13 February in the afternoon.   

Preparatory School Orchestra: This orchestra is for anyone Year 4 and up who is learning an instrument and can read basic music notation. This includes guitar and recorder players. Beginners are welcome. Players bring their lunch to the music room and eat before the rehearsal. The rehearsal time is Wednesday lunchtime in the music room starting Week 3, Wednesday 14 February. Orchestra members will need their own clear file for the storage of orchestra music. Directed by Ros Emeleus, assisted by Greta Henley.

Please email Ros Emeleus on should you have any further enquiries.

Ballet Academy Trial Classes

We are excited to commence our year in the new Ballet Studios within the new Ngā Toi – Performing Arts Centre.

Students who are new to St Andrew's College, or curious about the Ballet Academy, are welcome to come along to the first Ballet class of the year to watch or have a go. Students can ask their teacher for their class Ballet time.

Note: if wishing to enter at Year 5 or over, a background in dance is required.

No gear needed, just come along and find out what it’s about. Enrolment enquiries should be sent to Ballet Academy Artistic Director, Dr Carolyn Cairns, on

Call out for sport shoes, boots, school shoes

If you have a pair of last year’s sport shoes, running shoes, football/rugby boots or school shoes that no longer fit your child and are in good condition, please give them to Mr Alex Kelley, via reception.

Last year, such shoes were given to children who couldn’t afford these items at various low decile schools – it would be great to do this again. Please ensure the footwear is clean and in good condition before sending it in. Any questions, please feel free to email Alex Kelley on If you wish to donate your child’s old footwear, please could you do so by Friday 16 February.

2024 Open Days

Meet our teachers who make the difference at our upcoming Open Days. Please help spread the word for interested families to register online.

Secondary School Open Day | Wednesday 6 March, 9.00am–12.00pm

  • Last Tour Commences: 10.30am
  • Rector's Address: 11.00am
  • Boarding House Open Day: 12.00pm

Preparatory School and Pre-school Open Day | Thursday 8 March, 11.00am–12.30pm

  • Principal of Preparatory School Address: 11.45am
Register Online >
Open Day Vicki

Enrolments for Year 9 2025 | Monday 18 March deadline

We are currently accepting enrolments for the Year 9 intake in 2025. Kindly note that the deadline for applications from siblings of current and past students, children of alumni and children of our current staff is Monday 18 March. The deadline for boarding applications is Friday 22 March.

To register your interest in a place at St Andrew’s College for students new to the College, complete our online application form by clicking here >

For further information please don’t hesitate to contact our Registrar, Lynn Smith,

MotivatioNZ Rugby Training

Motivationz Rugby is running a pre-season training on Monday afternoons on the 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th of March and 8th of April (five sessions in total). This is an excellent complement to club training and will help enhance rugby skills. The sessions will focus on building confidence in young Rugby player skill sets and will cover the pillars of rugby fitness, catch, pass, and tackle, along with being comfortable with defence, learning game sense and vision.

  • Time: 4.00pm–5.00pm;
  • Cost: $85.00 per child;
  • Location: Plynlimon Park, Plynlimon Road;
  • Age group: school Year 5–8; children will be split into age groups.

If you would like to book, please email your child’s full name, date of birth and contact phone number to For more more information, view the promotional flyer online by clicking here.

CPS Triathlon Cancellation

Canterbury Primary Sports (CPS) has unfortunately made the decision to cancel the Triathlon for 2024 due to a number of unforeseen challenges. They will be back with the Triathlon event in 2025.