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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 9 May 2024

Welcome back to the new school term. The children seem very pleased to be back with their friends.

I extend a very warm welcome to the new children and their families who started this week.

As winter approaches, please be extremely careful when driving north along Normans Road; the low sun creates poor visibility and hazardous conditions – please be mindful of the Kea crossing and be ready to stop. 

Also, please use the Kea crossing. To cross Normans Road within 80m either side of the crossing is illegal and a ticketing offence. But worse still, to be caught in the middle of the road when drivers are struggling to see you and the centre line, is very dangerous. It is also giving the children the wrong message about road safety.

You will note there are new markings and speed bumps along the drop-off zone. This is to slow vehicles and to prepare drivers to stop for pedestrians if required.

The traffic is heavy at peak times. Please do not try and turn right onto Normans Road when leaving the drop-off zone when the Kea crossing is operating (30 minutes before school starts and 15 minutes from when school concludes).

The good news is there is more space available in the drop-off zone as the contractors have completed work on the new Gough Family Theatre.

Only drivers who have Pre-school children and have a Pre-school card placed and visible on the dashboard can use the three parks available.

Finally, with Winter approaching and the associated sicknesses, please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.



Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Clothing Donations Request

I am a teacher in the Preparatory School and part of a small voluntary group called ‘Project Infinity’. ‘Project Infinity’ assembles winter clothing parcels for pre-school and school children in need, and sometimes their family members also. This winter we are working with Kidsfirst Bromley Kindergarten and Bromley School, to provide winter garments for families who are struggling.

If you would like to contribute to these winter parcels, we would love clean, pre-loved clothing for girls and boys (ages 2–18). Any clothing donations will be gratefully accepted. Clothes can be left at the Preparatory School Reception area and I will collect them from there. The last day for collection will be Friday 17 May.

Thanks so much for your help.

Leanne Gilray
Preparatory School Teacher

Project Inifinity2023

Holiday Happenings

Rugby Pleasant Point

Rugby Tournament

Over the holidays an Under 13 team representing St Andrew’s Preparatory School headed to compete in the Pleasant Point Rugby Tens Tournament. The tournament consisted of two pools of four followed by a final that pitted the teams with the highest points from pool play against each other in a final match up.

The first pool match saw the boys take on a team from Medbury School. The boys put on a strong showing and won the game 20–5. The second game was against the local Pleasant Point team, who presented a formidable challenge and, in what turned out to be a hugely physical game, St Andrew’s triumphed 20–10. The final pool game saw the boys pitted against the Celtics from Ashburton. The Celtics had shown great form in their earlier games and had enjoyed two impressive high-scoring wins. Another hugely physical match ensued with the boys putting in a massive defensive effort to hold on to a valiant 10 points all draw.

The boys were disappointed not to have maintained their winning record, however disappointment soon turned to excitement when the team realised that both they and the Celtics had the most points from pool play and were to be pitted against each other in the final.

The final started with Celtics going ahead twice and twice being pegged back by our boys. As we moved into the second half the Celtics scored two breakaway tries against the run of play before adding a third. The boys found themselves 25–10 down with time running out. The team came together and went on to produce an epic comeback to tie the game up at 25 all at full time. After a tense discussion with the referee, it was agreed that the match would be decided by golden point. St Andrew’s came roaring out from kick-off and scored an epic try in the corner to take out the tournament. It was great to see both teams embrace at the end of the game and reflect on a phenomenal match up that showcased a lot of talent, and a massive amount of heart.

Around the School

Traveling tuatara visit

At the end of Term 1, the Year 3 and 4 classes had a very special ‘spiky’ visitor. A New Zealand Conservation Trust Education Officer visited our classrooms with a young tuatara to give the students a close-up encounter with our very own ‘living dinosaur’. The students also learnt about another of New Zealand’s unique endemic creatures, the kiwi. The informative talk covered issues such as why the tuatara and kiwi are endangered, their habitats, predators, and breeding programmes. The students enjoyed looking at photos and other visual aids such as an egg and a preserved kiwi during the lesson. A big thank you to Mrs Leota for organising this wonderful opportunity for the students.

Student Success

Highland Dance

During the holidays at the North Canterbury Highland Dance Competition, Iaera Abrahamson (Year 4) won most promising dancing under 10 years and runner up most points under 10 years. Nayana Abrahamson (Year 2) won most points Under 6 years and most points Under 8 years.

Also in the holidays at the Waimate 69th Festival Highland and National dancing competition Adelyn and Iaera Abrahamson won the double swords trophy, Iaera won most points Under 10 years and the South Canterbury Championship Highland Fling and Nayana won most points Under 7 years and runner up most points Under 8 years.


Pink Shirt Day | Friday 17 May

Next week St Andrew’s College will support Bullying Free NZ and Pink Shirt Day.

The kaupapa this year is focused on what it means to be an 'upstander'. You can read more about Pink Shirt Day and access resources about bullying by clicking here.

To support Pink Shirt Day, on Friday 17 May, students will be able to come to school with either an item of pink clothing or a pink accessory added to their usual school uniform. This could be a pink t-shirt, pink socks or a pink bandana.

If you would like to donate to the Mental Health Foundation you can do so by clicking here.

Pink Shirt Day

Cross Country (Years 4–8) | Monday 20 May

The Preparatory School Cross Country will be held on Monday 20 May, 11.00am–12.30pm. The course will be held at St Andrew’s College Grounds.

Each lap is approximately 1km. The event will start with Year 4, through to Year 8.

The Introduction and Opening Ceremony will begin at 11.00am.

Approximate race times are as follows, but times may vary slightly dependent on the day:

  • Year 4 – 11.10am 
  • Year 5 – 11.20am
  • Year 6 – 11.35am
  • Year 7 – 11.50pm
  • Year 8 – 12.05pm

We will be using the Sportsplits Timing System and a link will be sent to you before the day to access your child’s race time. The Cross Country postponement date will be Tuesday 21 May.

A Bean Buzz Coffee Van will be onsite for the event.

Please note: If the grass is waterlogged, we will be using the gravel path alongside the field to limit damage to the fields.

Black and Bling 2 1

Black & Bling Ball | Saturday 25 May

Following presales of Black & Bling Ball tickets at the end of last term, there are a small number of tickets still available for the Black & Bling Ball on Saturday 25 May. Reflecting feedback that we have received in the past, we have decided to offer these tickets to the full school community as either a full table of 10 or on an individual ticket basis.

Tickets are $160.00 per person and include a complimentary glass of bubbles on arrival, a delicious sit down dinner, a late evening supper and live entertainment from Black & Gold. These tickets will be sold on a first in first served basis.

To purchase tickets please email the Organising Committee at ASAP.

It is exciting to have the biennial St Andrew’s College Black & Bling Ball back on the social calendar again this year. It is proudly brought to you by Trenzseater and will be held at St Andrew’s College on Saturday 25 May. This year the proceeds will benefit our Hockey and Netball communities. We thank you for your support and hope you can join us for a fabulous, fun-filled evening.

Preparatory School Clubs

In Terms 2 and 3, the Preparatory School Pastoral Care team is organising a number of lunchtime clubs. These will be overseen by a teacher with support from our Senior students. Club options will change from term to term depending on interest and staff availability. There is no registration required for clubs, with the exception of Digi Club (email

On offer in Term 2 (Week 1 start) are the following clubs:

Minecraft Club – Wednesday (Years 4–5 in Room 1, Years 6–8 in Science Room/Shared Space)
Preparatory School Minecraft club will run each Wednesday lunchtime for Terms 2 and 3. There will be laptops with Minecraft Education Edition installed and ready for students. Students in Years 4–8 all have Minecraft Education accounts that may be used. The focus for the club is to provide a safe and happy environment to create and build.

Lego Club – Friday (Years 3–8)
Lego club will run on Friday lunchtimes and is a chance to come and get creative with Lego with your friends. Open to students in Years 3–8 and operating Upstairs Learning Hallway. Lego club will be run by Mrs Pettit.

Chess Club – Thursday (Years 3–8)
Chess club will run on Thursday lunchtimes. Students will have the opportunity to play against other keen chess players from across the Preparatory School. Open to students in Years 3–8 and operating in the downstairs learning hallway. Chess club will be run by Mrs Gilray.

Art Club – Thursday (Years 4–8)
Art club will run on Thursdays in the Preparatory School Art Room. Students are invited to come and get arty with a variety of different materials on offer each week. Open to students in Years 3–5, Art club will be run by Mrs Meyers. In Term 3 Years 6–8 will have the opportunity to join Art club.

Stitch Club – Friday (Years 4–8)
Stitch club will run Fridays in the upstairs learning hallway. Create beautiful pieces using fabrics and hand sewing. Open to students in Years 4–8, Stitch Club will be run by Mrs Cronan.

Digi Club – Monday (Years 4–8)

Digi club will run on Monday lunchtimes in the Robotics room. Students will explore a range of digital activities including 3D printing, stop motions, coding and robotics. Open to students from Years 4–8 with numbers limited to 12. Any students who missed out on Digi Club in Term 2, will have another opportunity in Term 3. Digi club will be run by Mrs Kamo.

Quilling Club – Monday (Years 5–8)

Quilling club will run on Monday lunchtimes in Ms Lewis’s classroom. Quilling involves turning colourful strips of paper into amazing shapes and designs. Open to students from Years 5–8.

After-school Care Programme

The St Andrew’s College After-school Care programme (ASC) operates daily in the Preparatory School Library. In Term 2 there are some exciting changes happening. Firstly, we have welcomed a new Supervisor, Olivia Meek. Olivia joins current Supervisor, Jade Lawson, in caring for our students in this space.

Our other new change is to the booking system. Currently we use an online programme called AimyPlus to manage bookings, track attendance and organise payments. Previously parents have booked via the Preparatory School Office or online booking sheet. From Term 2 parents will be able to book directly via the AimyPlus website or using the AimyMe App. The new booking system will give you much more autonomy to easily and directly manage your bookings.


Current Parents who have used After-school Care before
1. Go to this site and login using your email address, choosing the "forgot password" link to set up a new password.
2. At this point you may be prompted to update your account with details such as emergency contacts.
3. From this point you can view current bookings and make new bookings.

New Parents to After-school Care
1. Use the "register as a new parent" link at to set up your account.
2. Follow the steps to make a booking for your child(ren).

To use the app, you will first need to set up your account on the website. Once you have done this, you can download and login to the AimyMe App to make bookings on the go.

We invite you to review the AimyPlus privacy policy and do let us know if you have any concerns. The College has reviewed the policy and has a long-standing relationship with AimyPlus. However, if you would prefer not to have your personal details included on this new service, please do let us know.


  • The operating hours are 3.20pm–5.20pm (Wednesday 2.25pm–5.20pm). Flexibility of use is possible – i.e. sessional (1–2 hours), 1–5 days per week, casual or regular.
  • The cost is $11.00 per hour or part thereof, and accumulated hours will be disbursed to accounts at the end of each term.
  • We provide an afternoon tea snack, and activities include Lego, some computer access, movie watching, crafts, reading and outside play (weather permitting).
  • Casual bookings or cancellations on the day can be made via the App or website. If you have a message for your child about a change of arrangements for them regarding After-school Care or pick up, please continue to ring the Preparatory School Office.

Please use the following phone number for emergency-related calls during After-school Care operation: +64 3 940 2072.

If you have any issues with using the new booking system, please contact the Preparatory School Office staff. They are happy to help. In order for us to ensure we safely manage numbers in After-school Care, students must be booked, preferably using the Aimyplus site or via the Preparatory School Office.

This information can also be found in the Preparatory School Handbook.

Second-hand Uniform Shop now online

The St Andrew’s College PTA Second-hand Uniform Shop is a service provided by the PTA for parents/students to sell items of the uniform they have outgrown or no longer require. The PTA is changing how the Second-hand Uniform Shop provides its service, and over the term break the manual recording system has been moved onto a digital platform called ‘Hand Me Round’. The new system will ensure customers can clearly see what items they still have for sale, what has sold, and what items have been paid out. The new system will also mean the PTA can do a regular monthly payout.

Please visit the St Andrew's College Hand Me Round site by clicking here >

1. Click the sign in button at the top right of the home page.
2. Enter your email address and choose “forgot password” to reset the password.
3. Once you have signed in you will need to check and update all details. Please ensure we have your correct bank account number loaded. This will ensure any items which do sell are paid out each month.

Going forward you will now load any items you wish to sell onto Hand Me Round prior to drop-off. Once they are delivered to the Second-hand Uniform Shop our volunteers will process them and put them on the shelves for sale. These items will show as “available” on your Hand Me Round login.

As always, if you wish to simply donate items for sale, then please bring them to the Second-hand Uniform Shop and we will sell them. There is no need to load these donated items onto Hand Me Round.

If you have any questions in regards to the new system, please contact the PTA at

College Shops now cashless

From the beginning of Term 2, neither of the College shops are accepting cash payments. Our decision to transition to a cashless system has been led by a natural decline in cash payments, as well as to streamline operational administration tasks, and making transactions more efficient – thereby reducing waiting times for customers.

PAYMENTS ACCEPTED AT COLLEGE SHOP – THISTLES: The preferred payment method in Thistles is for items to be charged to student accounts. Credit cards (except Amex) and debit cards are also accepted.

PAYMENTS ACCEPTED AT THE SECOND-HAND UNIFORM SHOP: The Second-hand Uniform Shop accepts credit and debit cards (except Amex), and students are also able to pay by direct deposit to the College's bank account. The preferred payment is by card, due to ease of reconciliation for the PTA volunteers who manage the shop.

Native Tree Planting

Please join us, Eco Action, between 10.00am and 12.00pm on Sunday May 19, to help our students plant 5000 native trees and plants they have grown. Great atmosphere with heaps of fellow student and parent enthusiasts. Please bring some drinking water, solid footwear, gloves and your favourite spade if you have one. There will be 400 spades on site, so everyone can help. The more the merrier! We are one of 22 school groups who are growing plants for this venture.

Help our community by developing this asset that will last for generations to come. The grown forest will provide habitat and food for native birds and lizards as well as sequester carbon to help with global climate change. It's also quite fun to plant a few plants!

This is the first of four plantings that will see 20,000 locally sourced, student grown, native plants and trees in the ground at 1 Chimera and 25 Atlantis Street, Christchurch. 

Eco Action Nursery Trust


July Sport Medley Holiday Camp

There will be a Sport Medley Holiday Camp in the first week of the July holidays for Year 1–8 students. This will be held Monday 8 July – Friday 12 July. More details to come. Any questions please contact Alex Kelley on

Aims Games – Tauranga 2024


From Sunday 8 – Friday 13 September 2024, the Preparatory Football 1st XI, a Mixed hockey team, and a rugby 7s team will compete at the annual AIMS Games in Tauranga. Over 11,000 Year 7 and 8 students from over 360 schools have competed at these games in a variety of sporting codes in the past.

There will also be a number of individual sports available. However, due to the limited group accommodation available in Tauranga, we are unable to at this stage include individuals as part of our official tour. If you would like your child to compete at the games and you are able to travel, care for, and get them to and from the events then Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley, can complete and forward the entry on your behalf.

In travelling to and competing at the AIMS Games, your child would be included in any activities offered to the tour group and tour apparel will also be available.

You should only consider this option if your child is an elite performer in their chosen sport. The individual sports offered are:

  • Badminton; BMX; Canoe Sport; Cross Country; Golf; Gymnastics; Hip Hop; Indoor bowls; Mountain Biking; Orienteering; Rock Climbing; Squash; Surfing; Swimming; Table Tennis; Tennis; Yachting.

If your child is in this category and you would like to consider this option, please email Alex Kelley on and he will provide you with further information. You can also access the AIMS Games website which provides further information on each sport offered, visit

Online Photography 2024


The online sales for the following 2024 photographs are now available:

  • individual student photographs;
  • Secondary School tutor group photographs;
  • Preparatory School class photographs (excluding new entrant and Class 8A);
  • whole year group photographs for Year 9 and Year 13.

Details of how to order the photographs can be found on our website using the button below and you will need to log into StACNet using your St Andrew's College login.

If you have any questions relating to this service, please email