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Year 9 Foundation Pipe Band Scholarship Application Form
Tau 9 Pukatono Tūāpapa Pēne Kōtimana
The College Board offers Middle School scholarships annually.
Up to three scholarships are awarded each year, providing up to a 50 per cent reduction in tuition fees for five years, for pipers or drummers.
Application is by audition and interview which will take place for suitable applicants on Monday 19 May 2025.
Please note: In order to apply for a St Andrew’s College Scholarship, you must complete the Application for Admission Form by clicking here, if you have not already done so. Students in Year 8 at St Andrew's College do not need to complete the Application for Admission Form.
2026 Foundation Pipe Band Scholarship Applications close on Friday 4 April 2025.
Year 9 Foundation Pipe Band Scholarship Application Form