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Sports and Cultural Activities – General Information

Mahi Hākinakina, Mahi Ahurea - Pārongo Whānui

Please read the following information before completing the online selection form using the link sent to you via email when selections open.

  1. All students in Years 9–11 must take part in at least two different sports or cultural activities throughout the year – at least one in each of the summer and winter seasons unless it runs all year round. Year 12 students must select one activity and participation is optional for Year 13 students.
  2. For Years 9–11 students, at least one choice should be a team sport or cultural group activity and at least one choice should involve physical exercise.
  3. Only enrol in sports and cultural activities that you actually intend to do.
  4. You are required to do the same summer sport or activity in Term 4 as you chose in Term 1 – so choose carefully. The last date to change your sport is in Week 2 of Term 1. Anyone who wants to change their sport in Term 4 will need a form signed by the Director of Sports and Co-curricular Activities.
  5. You will be allowed to reconsider your winter sport at the end of Term 1.
  6. You are encouraged to choose a priority sport for a given season and can participate in a maximum of two sports per season in Year 9 and 10. NCEA students can complete in one sport per season and one additional sport a maximum of three sports per year.

Inter-house and Lunchtime Sport and Culture

Student leaders will run a range of competitions plus a full programme of sports and cultural activities for students throughout the year.

Cultural Activities

The College enters various music, dance, drama and theatre competitions and events during the year including inter-school, regional and national events.


There are a variety of tournaments at junior and senior level during the year. Major tournaments and competitions take place during tournament weeks both in summer and winter for athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, cross country, cycling, football, futsal, golf, hockey, ice hockey, rowing, rugby, table tennis, trapshooting, tennis, touch, and volleyball.

Selection for these teams is based on students that play for the College throughout the season.

Team players are not guaranteed to play in the tournament team. This will be selected on skill, attitude, coach, and manager feedback etc.

Sports and Cultural Exchanges

Students are presented with opportunities to participate in inter-school exchanges with schools from around the country and overseas. This is an important part of the St Andrew’s College sports and cultural experience. 

Cups and Trophies

Cups and trophies are awarded to students for their sports and cultural performances during the year. These are normally presented at the Award section in the Friday assemblies throughout the year. Parents of students receiving trophies will be invited to the assembly and are also welcomed to stay for morning tea afterwards.

If you receive a trophy, it is your responsibility to return it cleaned and engraved to either reception or directly to the Sports Co-ordinator, Leanne Ward. Students who were presented with sports trophies in 2024 will need to return their trophies by the following dates:

Athletics and Swimming trophies        NOVEMBER 2024

Winter sports trophies                         JUNE 2025

Summer sports trophies                      AUGUST 2025

Sports Uniforms

Details of uniform requirements for each sport are outlined in this booklet. A sports uniform is available through the College Shop. In some cases students are provided with sets of uniforms that remain the property of the College, and a deposit and/or hire charge may be required. Students failing to return such gear will be invoiced for the cost of replacement.

Where possible, students will wear their PE uniform for sport.

All teams are required to wear their full sports uniform for all team photos.


Teams are transported to games and cultural events using College vans or hired taxis and buses. The cost of hiring these vehicles will be disbursed to the accounts of the students concerned.

Students with their own vehicles are not to take passengers in their cars without the knowledge of the coach or manager of the team and without the written permission of the parents or guardians of both the driver and the passengers concerned.


The College co-curricular budget aims to cover the costs of some coaching/tutoring, equipment, and College-based facilities. To help cover extra equipment, court hire, tuition or affiliation fees, most sports and cultural activities incur a charge, and parents are advised of this either in this handbook or directly from the sports or cultural co-ordinator early in the season.