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Operational Information (For Parents)

Pārongo Whakamahi (Mā ngā Mātua)


Compulsory online forms must be completed by the start of the academic year.

Full details will be sent to you via email.

Additional optional forms can be completed by visiting These include:


If a student is sick or unable to attend school, their parent or caregiver should complete the online form on the StAC App or website before 8.30am. Alternatively, you can phone the Absentee Line +64 3 940 2071by 8.15am, or email

All absences must be explained to the class teacher by a note / email from a parent or caregiver. Teachers and the Preparatory School Office need to be notified if any appointments make it necessary for your child to leave the school grounds or be late for school. All unexplained absences are followed up by a phone call. A medical certificate is required after five consecutive days absent.


Tuition fees are charged 10 times a year, from January to October.

All additional costs incurred in education outside the classroom (e.g. transport, entry costs) will be disbursed to accounts and invoiced monthly.

After-school Care Programme

The After-school Care programme operates in the Library. There are about 30 children who use the facility regularly and each day there are casual places available.

The operating hours are 3.20pm–5.20pm. (Wednesday 2.25pm–5.20pm). Flexibility of use is possible – i.e. sessional (1–2 hours), 1–5 days per week, casual or regular.

The cost is $11.00 per hour or part thereof, and accumulated hours will be disbursed to accounts at the end of each month.

We provide an afternoon tea snack, and activities include Lego, some computer access, movie watching, reading and outside play (weather permitting).

Should you wish to enrol your child in the After-school Care programme, please click the 'New Parent? Register here' button on the AimyPlus website to set up your account. Casual bookings can be made on the day via the AimyPlus website or app. If you have a message for your child about a change of arrangements for them regarding After-school Care or pickup, please continue to get in touch with the Preparatory School Office by phoning +64 3 940 2037.

In an emergency, your child will be taken to After-school Care at the end of the school day.

Please use the following phone number for emergency related calls only during After-school Care operation: +64 3 940 2072.

Bikes and Scooters

Students in Years 6–8 may bike to school with the permission of the Principal, although we prefer that only Year 7–8 students choose this option. Please note that all students biking to school must wear helmets, fluro safety jackets and / or fluro backpack covers. Children of any age may ride a scooter to school. It is recommended the children wear helmets when riding a scooter or skateboard. Bikes belonging to Year 6–8 students must be stored in the bike enclosure and need to be locked, and scooters are to be stored in the stand by the Fitness Centre (also locked). Year 1–5 students can store scooters in the area opposite the Pre-school, we recommend these are locked. Bikes, scooters or skateboards are not to be ridden on the College campus. 


Cafeteria lunch orders must be made online via myKindo. To register and login, visit:

Lunches can be ordered anytime up to 8.00am on the lunch day. For further details on using the online ordering system, please refer to the quick reference guide:

Preparatory School children are unable to go directly to the Cafeteria to make purchases. Orders are delivered to the Preparatory School just prior to lunchtime. Morning tea is not available from the Cafeteria and must be provided by parents.

Children can only bring water to school. No sweets, ice creams or drinks with sugar are permitted.

College Policies – SchoolDocs

Click here to access all College Policies.

College Shop – Thistles

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The College Shop – Thistles is located next to the Normans Road carpark, adjacent to the Senior College. Please check the webpage to see the shop's hours of operation. Alternatively, you may phone +64 3 940 2032 to confirm these details.

General stationery items are available from the College Shop for purchase throughout the year. All purchases from the College Shop may be charged to the student’s account, with EFTPOS available.

The College PTA runs a Second-hand Uniform Shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3.00pm–4.30pm in term time. The Second-hand Uniform Shop is located beside the College Shop, next to the Normans Road carpark.

The St Andrew’s uniform is only available from the College Shop or the Second-hand Uniform ShopThe uniform requirements can be found at the bottom of this webpage under the 'Uniform and Grooming' heading.

Please note, neither of the College shops (Thistles and second-hand) accept cash payments. Our decision to transition to a cashless system has been led by a natural decline in cash payments, as well as to streamline operational administration tasks, and making transactions more efficient – thereby reducing waiting times for customers.

The preferred payment method in Thistles is for items to be charged to student accounts. Credit cards (except Amex) and debit cards are also accepted.

The Second-hand Uniform Shop accepts credit and debit cards (except Amex), and students are also able to pay by direct deposit to the College's bank account. The preferred payment is by card, due to ease of reconciliation for the PTA volunteers who manage the shop.


A Preparatory School weekly newsletter is emailed home on Thursdays, and an individual class information and learning outline is emailed once a term. Every Friday, Rector’s Comment is sent to College families covering the highlights of the week. 

Three times a year a College-wide publication called Regulus (the Rector’s magazine) is published. Collegian is our other major publication and is a record of the school year at all levels. A Preparatory School Annual Report is also published every year.

The College has several social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Flickr (photos) and YouTube. Parents can access these channels from any page of the website by clicking on the relevant icons in the top right-hand corner. Photos and videos are regularly updated to these channels showcasing life at St Andrew’s College. 

Concussion Recovery Information

If your child receives an injury to their head or impact to their body, they may have sustained a concussion. With rest and gradual return to school and sports, these usually resolve quickly.

Any concussions must be reported to the College Nurse or Concussion Officer as soon as possible. After an incident, it is important to visit a doctor, who will assess whether your child has a concussion.

What to do if your child sustains a concussion

During the first 48 hours, it is important for your child to rest their brain and body. That means staying home from school, walking around the house if that does not make their pain or symptoms worse, and:

  • limiting screen time (on any electronic device e.g. phone, TV, computer, tablet);
  • limiting school work/concentration;
  • limiting loud noises and social situations.

The more your child rests during this time, the faster the recovery and return to normal.

Book a doctor's appointment as soon as possible, for your child to be assessed or cleared of concussion.

What to watch out for

If any of the following symptoms occur, contact your doctor for advice. If symptoms worsen, it is important to get immediate medical care – this could indicate a more serious injury:

  • new or persistent neck pain, or worsening headaches;
  • feeling more confused or irritable;
  • vomiting more than once;
  • seeing double;
  • feeling weak or experiencing tingling/burning in arms or legs;
  • behaving differently than normal, for example, feeling more emotional or angry;
  • having seizures or becoming less conscious (more drowsy);
  • have a history of bleeding disorder or taking blood thinner medication (e.g. Warfarin, Aspirin).

It is important not to ignore these symptoms, as this will delay recovery.

The Recovery Process

After 48 hours, your child can begin the Gradual Return to Learn process. The College will support your child through the Return to Lean process and manage their school workload and any assessments or commitments.

Your child's year level dean will make a plan and communicate with school staff on your child's behalf. Make sure your child sees a doctor before returning to full sport training, particularly for contact training. Take care of your child's mental health during recovery; it is normal to find this recovery hard. Encourage them to talk to their parents/caregivers/coaches/friends and ask for help if they need it.

Cyber Safety

To optimise navigation in digital and technological spaces, students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with our Cyber Safety information to gain awareness of potential risks and corresponding risk mitigation strategies.

Please see the links below for these resources:

Daily Timetable

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:

8.25am–2.25pm (classes conclude at 2.25pm)

Morning Break: 10.30am–10.50am
Lunchtime: 12.35pm–1.35pm

Please update in the Community Portal any changes of address or personal information as they occur throughout the year. It is important that we have up-to-date information. If you are leaving your child in the care of temporary caregivers, please notify the office. It is important that we are informed of this and who we are to contact in case of an emergency.

Community Portal:


Children who are unwell or injured should report to the Preparatory School office, where a sick bay is located. In the case of injury, if the child can be moved they will be taken to the sick bay. If necessary, they will be taken to the doctors’ surgery on Normans Road or to Accident and Emergency at Christchurch Public Hospital. If the child cannot be moved, an ambulance will be called. Parents are notified immediately. In the case of illness, parents are also notified immediately. All staff in the Preparatory School have First Aid certificates and attend a refresher course every two years.

All medication is held in the Preparatory School office and dispensed as per instructions from the parent or caregiver. Oral medication will only be given following verbal permission from a parent or caregiver.

In the case of infectious diseases or communicable conditions (e.g. chicken pox, conjunctivitis, mumps, measles, rubella, slapped cheek, influenza, impetigo [school sores] and head lice), we ask that you keep your child at home until the condition is no longer transferable.

There is a two day stand-down period following vomiting and / or diarrhoea.

In the event of a pandemic students and staff will take direct instruction form the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation.

Dental Care

Dental care for St Andrew’s College Preparatory School students is provided free of charge by the Christchurch District Health Board. The mobile van will visit annually and check every child’s teeth. No remedial work is carried out by the technicians.

Holiday Programmes

One or two-week holiday programmes for Preparatory School aged children are offered during the end of Term 1, end of Term 3 and December holidays. Information including enrolment details will be sent home at the beginning of the preceding term. Depending on demand, we may hold holiday programmes during other holiday breaks.

Lost Property

Lost property is an area of concern to us. Please ensure that all items of clothing are named including shoes. All named items are returned to the child’s class. All unnamed property is stored in the Preparatory School office. Access can be gained from the office staff.

Mobile Phone and Smart Watches Policy

The College acknowledges the role mobile phones and smart watches may play in personal security and communication with parents. The mobile phone and smart watch policy ensures students use of mobile phones and smart watches at school does not interfere with learning or contribute to bullying or other pastoral care issues.

Students must follow the Personal Digital Devices policy, as well as our Mobile Phone and Smart Watches Policy:

  • students in Years 1-6 are not permitted to have a mobile phone or smart watch at school;
  • students in Years 7-8 are not permitted to have a mobile phone or smart watch at school except if the Principal grants dispensation due to exceptional circumstances;
  • where a student has dispensation to have his or her phone at school it will be stored for the day at reception;
  • a student landline is available at Reception to contact parents during the day if required.

Office Hours and Contact Numbers

The Preparatory School Office is open on weekdays from 8.00am–5.00pm during term time.

School Office: +64 3 940 2037 (term time only)
Attendance Line: +64 3 940 2071
College Shop: +64 3 940 2032
After School Care: +64 3 940 2081 (term time only)

Parent Interviews

Early in Term 1, a ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening is held, which gives staff the opportunity to explain classroom expectations and the curriculum. Towards the end of Term 1, individual Parent/Teacher Interviews are held to discuss and set key learning intentions for the year, and to discuss the draft Goal Setting Report. At the start of Term 3, after the issue of the Key Competencies Reports at the end of Term 2, learning conferences are held. In Term 4, after the issue of end-of‑year reports, there is also an opportunity for a conference if required.

Parking – Drop-off Zone

Safety is our primary concern. A drop-off zone is provided adjacent to Normans Road. Cars are not to be left unattended in the drop-off zone. If parking on the road, we ask that you respect our neighbours and park at least one metre from a driveway entrance and not on yellow lines. Please do not double park on Normans Road as it obscures the view from the Kea crossing. Pre-school car parks can only be used by parents with children enrolled at the Pre-school. The Pre-school parks operate from 8.00am–4.30pm.


One very effective way you can contribute to the school is by becoming involved in the PTA. The PTA meets on the second Tuesday of every month during term time. Meetings provide feedback to school management on areas of interest or concern, plan fundraising activities, and organise social events. College management work with the PTA to gain parent views on new initiatives and day‑to-day school functions.

The PTA is involved in fundraising for special projects. Support from parents is vital for running the Second-hand Uniform Shop, which is the PTA’s main income stream. The shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3.00pm–4.30pm and is staffed by volunteers from the parent body. The Second-hand Uniform Shop is located beside the College Shop, next to the Normans Road carpark.

In the Preparatory School, class representatives act as points of contact for the PTA and help organise social functions. The first function in the Preparatory School for 2023 is a morning tea for new families on Friday 3 February at 11.00am in the Preparatory School Library.

If you would like to be more involved as a member of the PTA committee or as a volunteer in the Second-hand Uniform Shop, please email We welcome all assistance.


The following scholarships are offered in the Preparatory School:

  • up to two 50% academic scholarships (tuition fees) for two years’ education in Years 7 and 8 (applicants must be in Year 6 at the time of application);
  • up to one Music scholarship providing 50% tuition fees for two years’ education in Years 7 or 8 (applicants must be in Year 6 at the time of application).

Detailed information will be available from late March. The examinations and auditions are held in late May / early June.

Student Social Media Guidelines

Student Social Media Guidelines Summary

Students in the Preparatory School are not permitted to use social media.

StAC App

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information from St Andrew’s College with the StAC App. Access the Community Portal, student timetables, term fixtures and calendars, notices and resources all in one location. Subscribe to receive notification alerts from year groups, sports teams, cultural groups and clubs.

To download the App, visit:

Apple App Store:

Google Play:

For more details, view the instructional video:

Or download the PDF guide:


Purchasing Online: We use the OfficeMax My School system where stationery requirements can be ordered online. You can login at any stage during the year and purchase other items you may need. Any order over $70.00 is delivered free of charge (you can order for more than one child at a time as well). For further information see

Sun Safe

All children must have a named St Andrew’s College approved sun hat. Hats are compulsory during the Summer (Terms 1 and 4).

Only St Andrew’s College hats can be worn at school. The following options are available from the College Shop.

Years 1–8

  • wide brimmed (Years 1–4);
  • bucket hats (Years 5–8).

The school’s Sun Safe policy includes outdoor sport activities. We recommend sunscreen is applied prior to leaving home. Sunscreen will also be available at school for a second or subsequent coating during the day.

Term Fixtures Calendar

This is a ‘live’ calendar on the College’s intranet, StACNet, and on the StAC App. It will be added to/updated as information is received. This can be viewed by visiting Calendar (Term Fixtures) or under Calendar in the StAC App.

Uniform and Grooming

This photo showcases some of more commonly worn uniform combinations.

We hope that all St Andrew’s College students are proud to be identified with their school and will wear their uniform correctly at all times. The College uniform is worn at school and when travelling to and from the College.

Students are required to:

  • wear their uniform with pride;
  • wear a blazer in the street and wear their shirt/blouse tucked in with the top button and their tie done up;
  • students are expected to wear clean and polished black leather regulation shoes;
  • wear shorts/trousers/skirts/culottes which fit appropriately and are not too long or too short;
  • change back into full uniform after having Physical Education during the day – the only exception being Physical Education classes held in Period 6, then students may depart in full College tracksuit; 
  • wear approved dress at Physical Education and sports practices;
  • only wear College hoodies and sweatshirts under tracksuit jackets and when outside (Terms 2 and 3 only).

The wearing of patterned or coloured T-shirts or polypropylene under school shirts is not permitted, nor is the wearing of coloured socks.

When travelling with College teams or groups, casual wear may sometimes be approved, but only in special cases such as field trips or Outdoor Education camps.

A final decision on what constitutes good grooming will be made by the Deputy Principal in consultation with the Principal of Preparatory School.

Girls' Uniform – Years 1–8

  • Collared blazer;
  • White blouse: short or long-sleeved;
  • Tie – with baby blue stripe;
  • Pinafore or black culotte – (compulsory for Years 1–6, optional for Years 7–8);
  • Middle School checked skirt – (optional for Years 7–8);
  • Black tights in winter (optional), black knee-high socks year round;
  • Black leather shoes (not branded trainers / non branded trainers);
  • Cardigan – (optional year round);
  • Jersey or vest – (optional year round);
  • Scarf and beret – (optional in winter);
  • The collared blazer can be worn into the Secondary School, until a replacement needs to be purchased.

Boys' Uniform – Years 1–8

  • Collared blazer;
  • White shirt: short or long-sleeved;
  • Tie – with baby blue stripe;
  • Black long trousers or shorts in winter, black shorts in summer;
  • Black socks – knee-high, with white and blue bands;
  • Black leather shoes (not branded trainers / non branded trainers);
  • Jersey or vest – (optional year round);
  • Scarf – (optional in winter).

Boys' and Girls' PE Uniform Years 4–8

  • College tracksuit;
  • Navy blue St Andrew’s polo shirt;
  • Non-marking court shoes;
  • White socks;
  • Navy shorts.

Guidelines for Good Grooming

Hair must not be longer than the length of the collar at the back and must fall above the eyebrow line. It should be cut in a conservative style and not shorter than a number three comb. 

Long hair must be tied back. Hair jewellery is not acceptable. Ribbons and ties must be blue or white. Scrunchies must be black, navy blue or white.

Boys and Girls
Hair must be clean and well-groomed, in the range of natural hair colour only and kept clear off the face and above their eyebrows. Unusual hairstyles, including streaking of hair, dreadlocks and braided hair, are not permitted.

Only young women are able to wear one pair of small studs in the lobe of the ears. No sleepers, hoops or studs with jewels in them. No other jewellery is permitted.

Make-up and Nails Guidelines
Make-up and nail varnish is not part of the College uniform, and it is not to be worn at any time with school uniform or sports uniform. All forms of make-up and nail varnish are unacceptable, including foundation, mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, blusher, lipstick, lip gloss, false nails and nail art.

Water Safety

Swimming Lessons
In Term 3 or 4, all children from Years 1–3 are involved in swimming lessons (excluding the new entrant class 1S). The children are placed in ability groups. Year 7 complete six lessons of swimming in Term 3 and Years 4–6 swim in Term 4. All children in Year 8 who are not able to swim 200m are offered swimming lessons at a local indoor pool on a Wednesday afternoon. The Year 8 lessons and transport are subsidised by the College (50%).

Beach Education
Years 1–3 children are involved in the Beach Education programme each year in Term 1.
Years 4–5 students participate biennially.
Year 7 students complete a Surf Safety programme in Term 1 each year.