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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 16 February 2023

Meet the Teacher

Sincere thanks to the many parents who attended our ‘Meet the Teacher’ event on Tuesday evening and the following PTA Wine and Cheese gathering. I hope you found the shared information useful. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any follow up questions. Thanks also to the PTA representatives in attendance on the night. They did a sterling job with the Wine and Cheese event and the clean-up at the end. The evening was enjoyed by all.

Below is a link to my PowerPoint presentation in the Centennial Chapel. There are also links to the relevant videos played or referred to during the presentation.

Helen Balch Memorial Service

We were saddened to hear that Helen Balch, Itinerant Teacher of Speech and Drama for many years at St Andrew’s College, passed away recently. A memorial service for Helen will be held on Wednesday 8 March at 3.00pm in the St Andrew’s College Centennial Chapel. We extend our sympathies and thoughts to Helen’s family.

Te Reo Māori

Ka Mau te Wehi! is an expression meaning "Awesome!" or "Fantastic!". It is used in this context to acknowledge and celebrate all achievements, large or small.


Drop-off Zone

When exiting the drop-off zone from the driveway, please do not attempt to turn right. This will ensure there is no back up behind you and driver tension over the delay. It is possible to still head north by turning right onto Urunga Avenue.

Staccato Café

The Preparatory School Staccato Café is open for parents from 8.00am–9.15am daily. This is a great way to meet new people.

2023 Loud Shirt Day – Friday 24 February

For simplicity, just replace your child’s white shirt with a loud shirt. The rest of the uniform will remain as per normal. Please remember to donate to the cause if your child is supporting this awareness campaign. Thank you.

Read more about Loud Shirt Day 2023 by clicking here

Year 8 Parent Information Evening Invitation

This year, our Year 8 Parent Information Evening will take place on Wednesday 1 March, in the Strowan House staffroom, 7.00pm–8.30pm, and is for current Year 8 parents only.

Please click here to register your interest in attending this evening. 



Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Preparatory Swimming Sports 2023

The Preparatory School Swimming Sports Day will be held on Monday 20 February.

This event is for Years 5–8. Due to venue restrictions and capacity rules of Jellie Park Recreational Pool, it is strongly advised that only one parent / caregiver will spectate per family.

  • Years 5–6 will complete in the morning from 9.45am–11.15am;
  • Year 7 from 11.30am–1.15pm;
  • Year 8 from 1.15pm–3.00pm.

Students will travel to and from the event by bus.

  • Year 5–6 leaving at 9.30am – returning bus at 11.15am;
  • Year 7 leaving at 11.00am – returning bus at 1.15pm;
  • Year 8 leaving at 1.00pm – returning bus at 3.00pm.

Students should be changed prior to leaving on the bus (do not get changed at Jellie Park).

  • uniform is blue or black swimming togs for girls, blue or black speedos or shorts (not board shorts) for boys;
  • House colours are permitted to be worn on the day when not swimming;
  • all timing will be completed by staff members;
  • all students are to compete in freestyle and backstroke;
  • Year 5 upwards will do 50m races;
  • students may opt into the 2-length breaststroke and 2-length butterfly races. The butterfly race is an open event which means all age groups compete against each other.

Rugby Under 9

The Preparatory School is looking for a few more Under 9 rugby players to join the mighty Under 9 tackle rugby team in 2023. This applies to children with a birth year of 2014. If your child who attends St Andrew’s College has a sibling (doesn’t need to be attending St Andrew’s College) who was born in 2014 and would be interested in playing, please email Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley, on by Friday 24 February.

There will be a Thursday team practice 3.30pm–4.30pm and a game on Saturday morning. This is a great opportunity to play for St Andrew’s College and enjoy learning the game of tackle rugby!

Cafeteria - Lunch Ordering

Cafeteria lunch orders must be made online via myKindo.

To register and login, visit:

Lunches can be ordered anytime up to 9.00am on the lunch day. Please ensure you have submitted an order if your child is expecting one.

For further details on using the online ordering system, please refer to the quick reference guide: 

Preparatory School children are unable to go directly to the Cafeteria to make purchases. Orders are delivered to the Preparatory School just prior to lunchtime. 

Kindo App 2x1 v3


Agrikids Club

The Secondary School Agriculture Student Committee are setting up an Agrikids Club for Years 4–8 Preparatory School students.

The club will meet Wednesday lunch time in Weeks 5 and 8 for Terms 1–3. 

The Secondary School students will run fun Agriculture/Horticulture based activities during this time, such as making microgreen kits, learning animal anatomy and making edible soil structures. 

Register for Agrikids Club here >

Student Successes

Highland Dance

Congratulations to Georgia Gregg (Year 6) who competed at the Timaru Highland Competition last weekend and won most points Under 10 and was the overall winner for her age group.