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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 23 February 2023

We have had the full extremes of weather this week. This certainly tested our air conditioning system, so much so, the pressure was too much for one of the compressors on the roof – it shut down. As a result, we lost cooling in a couple of rooms. We are hopeful of a temporary repair by Monday while we wait for replacement parts to arrive. 

The extreme weather has been a great test for the new turf canopy, The Cloud. On Monday and Tuesday the roof cover reflected the heat and it was very pleasant on the turf below. Today, as it buckets down, specialist Physical Education carries on without a hitch – we have even had the lights on. What a wonderful facility for the Preparatory School.

Sincere thanks to everyone who supported the non-uniform fundraiser today in support of those impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle. If you haven’t already done so, to donate, please follow the below instructions.

Preparatory School students – Bank transfer
Account number: 02-0800-0911793-00
Account name: St Andrew's College
Particulars: NISUPPORT
Reference: 8120

2023 Loud Shirt Day – Friday 24 February

For simplicity, just replace your child’s white shirt with a loud shirt. The rest of the uniform will remain as per normal. Please remember to donate to the cause if your child is supporting this awareness campaign. Thank you.

Read more about Loud Shirt Day 2023 by clicking here

Masters National Hockey Tournament

Next week, along with some of our parents, I will be in Tauranga. I’m playing for the Canterbury M60 hockey team (goalkeeper), and I’m hoping it is not too hot. It’s a big tournament with male and female teams from age 35–70.  I’ll be back at school on Monday 6 March.

StAC-Up House Winners


Congratulations to the children of Rutherford House. They are the mid-term winners of the StAC-Up House token competition. Next week, on Thursday 2 March, the Rutherford children can come to school in casual wear with an accent of blue (a little or a lot).

Preparatory School Open Day, Thursday 9 March, 11.00am–12.30pm

As parents currently of the Preparatory School, you are most welcome like to attend our upcoming Open Day. Please register online if you plan to attend. 

Drop-Off Zone

When exiting the drop-off zone from the driveway, please do not attempt to turn right. This will ensure there is no back up behind you and driver tension over the delay. It is possible to still head north by turning right onto Urunga Avenue.

Staccato Café

The Preparatory School Staccato Café is open for parents from 8.00am–9.15am daily. This is a great way to meet people.




Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Preparatory Swimming Sports 2023 

On Monday 20 February Years 5–8 students competed at Jellie Park for their annual Swimming Sports. The students competed in the 50m freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and open butterfly events.  
The week before, the Year 4 students completed their championships and their very first experience of Swimming Sports. As a cohort, they demonstrated resilience and excellent attitudes towards giving it a go and practising being safe in the water. The Year 4 students should be very proud of their efforts, and now work towards becoming more confident swimmers for next year. 
On Monday 20 February, the Sports Captains started the day early setting up their house colours and rehearsing their chants for their first opportunity as House Captains and leaders of the Preparatory School. 
During the day, we saw Mrs McBride make a guest appearance in the class relay with 7A prevailing at the finish line. In the Year 8 Class Relay, last year’s Swimming Champions Irina Westerink, Cooper Pringle and Bryn Seath made guest appearances, with 8A taking out the Year 8 Class Relay.
Overall, the day was full of excitement, Erwin winning on House Points, a lot of organisation from all ends of the pool, and new Swimming Champions were crowned for 2023.  
A huge thank you to the extended staff who made this day possible, and congratulations to everyone for being involved on this day. 

Click Here for results.


Canterbury Primary Sports Triathlon (Years 5–8)

Students who want to be involved in the Canterbury Primary Sports Triathlon on Tuesday 14 March need to express their interest to either, their classroom teacher or to the Preparatory School PE Specialist, Ms Phillips, by the end of the week. Parents will need to transport their child to and from the venue.

Race Details:

Individuals only – entrants must complete all three disciplines (i.e. there are no teams’ events).

Swim – 100 metres for Year 5 and Year 6 students, 150 metres for Year 7 and Year 8 students. It is a freshwater lake. The swim will be started with approximately 15-20 in each group. They will be marshalled in alphabetical order of school, then surname within each school.

Cycle – the bike leg starts on South Eyre Road before turning right into Harewood Road. There will be a turn point for Years 5–6 and a further turn point for Years 7–8. The road very slightly climbs to the turn point.

Years 5–6 7km
Years 7–8 10km

Run – the run leg will be two laps on South Eyre Road.
Year 5–6 will complete two laps of 1km
Year 7–8 will complete two laps of 1.25km 

Trials will only be for age groups with a large number of participants.

AIMS Games – Tauranga 2023

Entries due to Deputy Principal of Preparatory School (Operations), Alex Kelley by Friday 26 May

During Sunday 3 – Friday 8 September 2023, the Preparatory School Girls' A hockey team, and the A netball team will compete at the annual AIMS Games in Tauranga. Over 11,000 Year 7–8 students from over 360 schools have competed at these games in a variety of sporting codes in the past.

There will also be a number of individual sports available. However, due to the limited group accommodation available in Tauranga, we are unable to at this stage include individuals as part of our official tour. If you would like your child to compete at the games and you are able to travel, care for, and get them to and from the events then I can complete and forward the entry on your behalf.

In travelling to and competing at the AIMS Games, your child would be included in any activities offered to the tour group and tour apparel will also be available.

You should only consider this option if your child is an elite performer in their chosen sport. The individual sports offered are:

  • Badminton
  • BMX
  • Canoe sport
  • Cross country
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Hip hop
  • Indoor bowls
  • Mountain biking
  • Rock climbing
  • Squash
  • Swimming
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis
  • Yachting

If your child is in this category and you would like to consider this option, please email Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley, on and he will provide you with further information. You can also access the AIMS Games website which provides further information on each sport offered:

Agrikids Club

The Secondary School Agriculture Student Committee are setting up an Agrikids Club for Year 4–8 Preparatory School students.

The club will meet Wednesday lunch time in Weeks 5 and 8 for Terms 1–3. 

The Secondary School students will run fun Agriculture/Horticulture based activities during this time, such as making microgreen kits, learning animal anatomy and making edible soil structures. 

Register for Agrikids Club here >

StAC Talks

StACTalks: Wellbeing and Resilience

This will be the introductory evening for the StACTalks series. We will focus on how we have integrated knowledge and research about well-being and resilience as part of our whole school well-being goal. We will also introduce you to some core concepts and tools used at St Andrew’s College to cultivate well-being.

The second part of the evening will be an open discussion involving a question and answer session with a panel. Please send through any questions or discussion points that would be useful to you to cover during this discussion.

Registrations are open now for the first event, StACTalks: Well-being and Resilience.
When:  Tuesday 28 February
Where:  Centennial Chapel, 6.30pm–8.00pm

Register – StACTalks: Well-being and Resilience >

Student Successes

Highland Dance

Congratulations to Sarah McCarthy (Year 8) who competed at the Timaru Highland Competition and won the U16 single time Irish Jig Championship. Last weekend in Rangiora she also won the U14 runner up trophy for most points. Sarah also came second in the Highland Reel, Highland Fling, Sailor’s Hornpipe and the sword dance in the U14 age group. 


Georgia Gregg (Year 6) also competed at the Rangiora Competition and won most points under 10.