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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 29 June 2023

Preparatory School – End of Term 2

I wish the children and staff the very best for the two-week holiday break. Term 2 is often the hardest to cope with due to the colder, wetter and darker days. There has also been significant sickness. We can look forward to the start of Term 3 and the prospect of warmer, sunnier and longer days.

Please note, we conclude this term tomorrow, Friday 30 June, at 3.30pm. Afterschool Care will operate as normal.

Term 2 School Reports will be uploaded to the Community Portal tomorrow.

Start of Term 3

The children return to school on Tuesday 18 July at the normal time, as Monday 17 July is a Teacher Professional Learning Day.

Parent Interviews | Monday 24 July – Thursday 27 July (Week 2, Term 3)

This year the interviews will be spread over four days and will be face-to-face in classrooms.  

Please note, all Years 4–8 children are required to attend the interviews. Please contact Reception if you experience any difficulty making a booking. Bookings will close Friday 21 July. 

If there is no suitable time available for you, please contact your child’s class teacher directly (via email) and another day and time will be arranged.

Site link:  
School code: vjkx7

At this interview, your child’s end of Term 2 Key Competencies Report will be discussed.

Please note, Ms Orman and Mrs Wylie’s class are not included in this interview round. They have a different interview timetable.

Head Lice

We have some head lice outbreaks in Years 3 and 4. The term break provides a good opportunity to treat head lice if your child is affected. Apparently, Dimethicone 4%, is a chemical free way of treating head lice and you can go to any pharmacy and receive it over the counter free of charge. If not, it is not as expensive as other treatments.



Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Preparatory School Music Concert

On Monday evening, the Preparatory School presented a concert of music items in the Centennial Chapel. The concert featured the Junior Choir (Years 3–5), Cantare Choir (Years 6–8), Preparatory School Orchestra, chamber groups and solo items by the Year 8 music scholars. The evening showed a range of talent, from children performing in large groups to very experienced musicians playing in small instrumental ensembles. This was a great performance opportunity for the children and the first opportunity for parents to hear the Junior Choir, the two chamber groups and instrumental soloists. The performers supported each other with enthusiastic applause and the concert was very well received by a supportive audience of parents and families.

Kids’ Lit Quiz National Finals National Library, Wellington

Huge congratulations to our wonderful Kids’ Lit Quiz Team who put in an amazing performance to gain fifth place in the National Finals held in Wellington last weekend.

Matilda Atkins, Zoe Bostock (both Year 8), Emmett Lawler and Harry Sibson (Year 7).

Their knowledge, enthusiasm, and competitive spirit ensured they were an extremely strong team. They competed against 16 other schools, facing five intense rounds of very tough questions. As Christchurch Heat winners, the team represented both the College and the Christchurch Region at this event, and we are all very proud of their achievement. Many thanks to those who came along to support the team.

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Preparatory School Netball Tournament

On Sunday, a group on Year 4 and 5 children represented St Andrew's at the Jellybean Netball Tournament at Hagley Park. Lots of fun was had by all. The final game of the day was a nail biter, which St Andrew's won in the last minute with a goal by Alice Williams (Year 5).

Staff vs Students Basketball

It was time for another heated battle between the members of the Year 8 basketball A teams and the ever so competitive Preparatory School staff.

In a game where winning did matter, the game was played in a great spirit (most of the time) and fair play was evident everywhere on the court. St Andrew’s Old Collegian and special guests for the staff, Maddie Morrow (OC 2022), increased the talent significantly as the winning formula was found for the staff.

For such an occasion, the score wasn’t relevant, but the teachers won! Congratulations to all of the students and staff who took part and thank you to the enormous crowd for their encouraging support.

Matariki Celebrations

Children in the Preparatory School have been learning about Matariki – the Māori New Year. Staff and students were set the challenge to connect with a buddy class and in doing so embodied an integral part of traditional Māori society, tuakana-teina. This is when an older sibling helps and guides a younger one. The older tuakana classes have shared waiata, games and crafts related to Matariki, with their younger teina. Matariki means “eyes of God” and is a shortened version of the phrase “Ngā Mata o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea”. It is a significant celebration in Te Ao Māori and has as its focus the cluster of nine stars each with its own name and domain. The themes of Matariki that students have been learning about are:

  • Remembrance: remembering those who have passed during the year;
  • Celebrating the present – gathering to celebrate with feasting, games and joyful activities;
  • Looking to the future – planning and setting goals for the year ahead.

If you would like to learn more about Matariki and about what’s on in Christchurch to celebrate Matariki see the links below:

Pre-school Matariki Whānau Evening

Last Friday evening, Pre-school families were invited to a Matariki Whānau Evening. Tamariki confidently sung the Matariki waiata they have learned and proudly showed their whānau the Matariki-themed artworks they have created over the term, including paintings of the night sky, stars, and kites. Our Matariki celebration was a beautiful reminder of the importance of community, being grateful for abundance, and a time for sharing kai with whānau and friends.

Junior Department and Pre-school Matariki Celebration

An aspect of Matariki is celebrating and spending time with family and friends. It is about relationships, connections and sharing knowledge. The Preparatory School Junior Department invited the Pre-school to join in the fun. Year 8 students also came and engaged with the younger children in a supportive role. The Pre-school children loved listening to the waiata sung by the older tamariki, and then confidently sung two waiata they have been practicing over the term – “Tirama, Tirama” and “Kapo Kapo”. The oldest tamariki then joined the Preparatory School tamariki in making Matariki crafts, including making koru art, manu aute (kites), lanterns and story-related craft. Waiata, Karakia and Māori legends were also an important part of the event. Whakawhanaungatanga (building respectful relationships) is such an important aspect of Matariki and something valued highly at both Pre-school and Preparatory School.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this day so enjoyable for our tamariki. We hope the children can share some stories with you, and we wish you all a happy, family filled school holiday.


Student Successes

Highland Dancing

Last weekend at the Christchurch Competitions Society Highland competition, Nayana Abrahamson (Year 1) won Most Points 6 and Under, and the 6 and Under Highland Fling Trophy. Iaera Abrahamson (Year 3) won the Highland Fling trophy U8 and the Best Dressed Dancer U14, and Adelyn Abrahamson (Year 5) won the Highland Fling trophy U10 and a summer school dance scholarship. 

In Blenheim, Iaera Abrahamson won the Marlborough Nelson Championship Highland Fling, Championship Irish Jig and Championship Sword Dance. She was also the overall champion U8.


Kindo and ezlunch

Kindo and ezlunch are excited to share the arrival of a fresh new look in Term 3. With its improved layout and enhanced features, the interface is now easier than ever to navigate, further simplifying school life and saving you time.

So, what can you expect from the new and improved versions of Kindo and ezlunch?

  • a fresh, new look with better navigation and clear student selection;
  • clearer cart layout showing what has been purchased for each person;
  • faster and easier checkout flow for a better shopping experience;
  • better visibility of which items are available and which aren't ;
  • new item search & sort function e.g. sort lunch by dietary requirement;
  • easier process for ordering lunches for 'multiple days'.
kindo and ezlunch