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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 21 September 2023

Advanced Notice

  • Term 3 will conclude on Friday 22 September at 12.35pm. Please note, there will be no Afterschool Care available;
  • Term 4 will commence on Monday 16 October at the usual time (there is no Teacher-Only Day);
  • Grandparents’ Day is the first week back next term, Friday 20 October, 10.45am start in the Centennial Chapel;
  • Melanoma Awareness Week follows Labour Day, Tuesday 24 – Friday 27 October. The Get Spotted Casual Wear Day will be held on Friday 27 October.

End of Term 3

We have made it to the end of Term 3. It is fair to say the children and staff are tired. It has been a full-on term from start to finish. Congratulations to the children for the way they have embraced every opportunity to be active learners, and for being proactive participants in the plethora of activities on offer over the last 10 weeks.

I also acknowledge Library Manager, Tracey Hull, for co-ordinating a wonderful and engaging Book Week. The parade this afternoon capped off the effort, enthusiasm and engagement of the children and staff – it was great fun!

Click here to view the Award Winners for tomorrow's End of Term Assembly >


We have now completed acceptances to the Preparatory School for next year. Our current students and the new students will be placed in their 2024 classes by the start of next term. The classes are generated by information provided by all parents and teachers. It is important, therefore, there are no or limited changes to these classes once formed as changes can alter connections to other children, and cause issues.

Therefore, if you have not already done so, please let me know before the end of next week if your child will not be attending the school next year The College requires a term’s notice for a student leaving, and particularly at this time of the year, when next year’s classes are being formed, this is an important procedure to follow. It will also mean there is no fee penalty for late advice.

Classes for 2024 will be shared with students as per our usual timeline, Week 6 or thereabouts next term.  

Grandparents’ Day | Friday 20 October

Preparations are well advanced for Grandparents' Day first week back next term, Friday 20 October. This special occasion will commence with entertainment in the Centennial Chapel at 10.45am. Following the entertainment everyone will leave the Centennial Chapel and meet up with the Preparatory and Secondary School children waiting in anticipation outside. There will be a photographer available to capture this special day for those who would like this option (no charge). Pre-school grandparents will walk to the Pre-school where the children and staff will be waiting.

Visitors on Grandparents’ Day need to register to attend and to ensure the children are released from class to meet with them. Please use the link below to register for this special day.




Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


BookParade 046A0413

Te Wiki O Nga Pukapuka / Book Week 2023

Staff and students have spent a fantastic week full of learning and fun, celebrating the best of children's literature. This year our theme was 'Who’s Your Hero', focusing activities on those book characters we admire for courage, strength, leadership and kindness. The week got off to a great start with a visit from award-winning New Zealand author, Maria Gill. Maria captivated us with stories of New Zealand wildlife and real-life New Zealand heroes, and she also shared her secrets for writing wonderful creative non-fiction stories. Another highlight, as always, was our spectacular Book Parade; with the spring warmth upon us, staff and students paraded across the campus dressed up as our favourite book characters. Thank you to all of those who came to cheer us on our way.

Throughout the week, classes, library sessions and lunchtimes were filled with literary quizzes, competitions and creative activities that kept us all entertained. Our Book Club hosted a lunch in the Preparatory School Library with storytelling and some particularly difficult book challenges, and our Year 7–8 students were invited to place their Uber Reads orders for some great reads chosen for them by the library staff. What a great way to end Term 3.


StAC Ag Show

The annual StAC Agricultural Show, held on Wednesday, started off with a wee rumble and proved to be a resounding success, drawing in an enthusiastic crowd and showcasing the remarkable talents of students and staff. This year's event brought together individuals from diverse backgrounds who shared a common passion for agriculture, art, and creativity. One of the highlights of the Ag Show was the competition for the best animal videos. Charlotte Donovan (Year 7) emerged as the Supreme Winner in this category, captivating the audience with her heart-warming video. The Art section of the Ag Show showcased a plethora of artistic talent. Sabine Waghorn (Year 7) stood out as the Supreme Winner, impressing the judges and attendees with her exceptional flower arranging skills.

Attendees had the opportunity to pat friendly greyhounds and interact with a petting zoo featuring adorable baby lambs, goats, bunnies and other animals, creating unforgettable memories for families and animal lovers alike. In addition to the animal attractions, there was an abundance of art exhibitions, delightful baking displays, vibrant flower arrangements, and captivating LEGO creations. These exhibits showcased the creativity and talent within the community and added depth and variety to the Ag Show experience. The Ag Show was not only a celebration of talent but also a testament to the strong sense of community and collaboration among the participants and visitors. The event provided a platform for individuals to come together, share their passions, and support one another in showcasing their skills and achievements. Thank you to our generous sponsors for their support. 


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PrepScience 000 2468

Year 7–8 Science Fish Dissection

Year 7–8 Science students were treated to a masterclass demonstration of a fish dissection by Emily Craig (OC 2008) from Fish & Game New Zealand, who gave a presentation analysing the external and internal anatomy of a farmed salmon. Students watched a step-by-step procedure of how to dissect a fish for scientific observation. They learned about the internal organs and their functions, viewing the heart, liver, spleen, gall bladder, gills and digestive tract using a hand lens. It was an enthralling experience and they coped well with the scientific process of it.

Adding to this new experience, all Year 8 classes undertook their own fish dissection in pairs last week, utilising newly purchased dissection kits and tech trays in the Science lab. An essential part of each session was for students to follow cultural custom by opening and closing with a karakia (blessing). A karakia is required to acknowledge the tapu, mauri, and wairua of the species and the associated atua.


Year 7–8 Science | Marine Ecosystems Unit

Some key overarching learning outcomes of the last three weeks in the Year 7–8 Science unit, ‘Marine Ecosystem and kaitiakitanga of our aquatic environs’ has been to build knowledge of marine reserves and raise awareness of their current situation. Students have interacted with people who are involved in caring for our waterways and oceans and learned how we can also contribute to a positive future for our aquatic and marine environments.

Students participated in a 60-minute Virtual Reality (VR) experience below the surface of the ocean with BLAKE (The Sir Peter Blake Trust) in a virtual field trip. Students engaged with several underwater experiences through 360˚ videos that compared and contrasted different marine environments, including learning what causes ocean damage and what actions can be taken to protect the marine environment. Students gained a deeper understanding of kaitiakitanga and practical actions they can take to help protect the environment. In Sir Peter’s final log on board Seamaster he wrote: “We want to restart people caring for the environment…through adventure, through participation, through education and through enjoyment.”

Student Successes

Ice Hockey

Carter Summerfield (Year 6) and Ming Macarthy (Year 4) both played in the recent Canterbury U12 Ice Hockey Tournament hosted by the Canterbury Ice Hockey Association. It was a hard-fought competition and the boys’ team came away with third place overall.


On Tuesday, 11 skiers and snowboarders from the Preparatory School traveled to Wanaka to participate in the Mike Greer Homes Upper Clutha Schools Ski Race held at Cardrona Alpine Resort. This event included schools spanning the breadth of New Zealand. Three teams from St Andrew's entered: a primary ski team, an intermediate ski team, and an intermediate snowboard team, and St Andrew’s College distinguished itself through exceptional achievements at this competition. 

The Primary ski team, comprising Isabelle Greer (Year 6), Alessandria Greer, Archer Bryant (both Year 4), and Francesca Greer (Year 3), secured the top position as the fastest overall primary Years 1–6 team throughout the day's events. Isabelle Greer emerged as the swiftest Years 5–6 female participant and earned the esteemed distinction of being recognised as the Fastest Overall Skier across Years 1–8 during the competition. Alessandria Greer displayed remarkable skill, clinching the title of the fastest Years 3–4 female skier on the day. 

Our intermediate snowboarding team, featuring Harry Hitchon and Ryder Townshend (both Year 8) along with Jet Townshend, secured the honor of being crowned the second fastest snowboarding team of the day. Furthermore, Ryder Townshend's outstanding performance merited him the position of the second fastest snowboarder among all participants. 

Our intermediate ski team, composed of Theo Smith (Year 8), Will Patterson and Edward Park (both Year 7), demonstrated remarkable sportsmanship and determination amidst challenging opponents. Edward Park stood out as the swiftest Year 7 male participant, while Theo Smith attained the distinction of being the fifth fastest Year 8 male skier in the competition. We extend our gratitude to the parents and supporters whose assistance played a pivotal role in facilitating our participation in this event. 

Speech and Drama

Congratulations to competitors in all age categories for the recent Speech Competition, for the courage to face an audience on their own and the high standard of performance and presentation skills displayed.

View the full results by clicking here >

Rotary Speech Contest

On Thursday, 77 students from nine schools took part in the annual Papanui Rotary Junior Speech Contest for Years 5–8 at Heaton Intermediate School. The top three Preparatory School students from Years 5–8 delivered their speeches at the Speech Prelims.

  • Year 5 – Jessica Whitehead, Gwendolyn Zhao, Harper Keith;
  • Year 6 – Grace Donnelly, Oliver Hodgson, Austen Fraser;
  • Year 7 – Tasmin Wingfield, Addison Fleming, Xue Qi (QiQi) Tang;
  • Year 8 – Eva Crawford, Alyssa Blackman.

The judges had a very difficult task of selecting the top four students in each age group to appear in the finals.

  • Eva Crawford (Year 8) placed third equal in the Year 8 division;
  • Jessica Whitehead (Year 5) – Highly Commended;
  • Austen Fraser (Year 6) won the Year 6 division.


Athletics Sports Day Information | Tuesday 24 October

The Preparatory School Athletics Sports and House Event for Years 4–8 will be held on Tuesday 24 October at Ngā Puna Wai athletics track. The four Houses – Erwin, MacGibbon, Thompson and Rutherford – will compete to become the House Champions of Athletics for 2023. The purpose-built venue gives the students the experience of what it is like to compete on a professional athletics track and to also prepare those students who may qualify to compete at the ISSA Championship (Zone) and CPSSA event (Canterbury).

We will transport the students to and from the College to Ngā Puna Wai. The College will subsidise some of this cost. Students competing in the 1000m (Years 4–6) or 1200m (Years 7–8) races at 8.00am will need to arrange their own transport to Ngā Puna Wai. These events are optional and students wishing to compete need to register with Ms Phillips or their classroom teacher prior to the day.
Students will meet their class teacher in their classrooms at 7.50am for roll call and the buses will depart St Andrew's College promptly at 8.00am. Children living nearby to Ngā Puna Wai can be dropped at the stadium instead of travelling by bus from school. Parents/caregivers need to please email this information to your child’s class teacher. 
Please ensure your child has his/her hat with them and sunscreen has been applied at home. The children wear their sports gear, including tracksuits (no uniform is required for the day). Children are welcome to wear their House colours also, so long as it is a plain t-shirt and not branded. Sorry, no face paint is permitted. The children cannot wear athletics singlets due to the length of the day in the sun. PE/sports shoes must be worn to compete in all events. (NB: Spike shoes may be worn but with the sprigs removed).  No bought lunches will be available, so please make sure your child has a packed lunch and plenty of water.

Parents and whānau are warmly welcomed to join us for this exciting event. The aim of the day is to encourage the participation of all students. This is an opportunity for them to try numerous events and gain points for their House. In the case of inclement weather, the Athletics Sports postponement date is Tuesday 31 October and will be held on-site at the College. 

Term 4 Girls' Basketball Skills Sessions

Cricket Coaching

Christmas Cake 2 1 Tile

PTA Christmas Goodies | Order Now

Delicious Christmas goodies, locally made with the highest quality ingredients. The perfect gift for Christmas or keep to treat your own family! All proceeds will go towards the PTA 2023 fundraising drive.

This year the PTA are introducing two brand new offerings outside of the cake category:

  • Christmas Truffles (box of 6) | $17.00
  • Christmas Shortbread Trees (box of 8) | $14.00

The PTA is also again offering a range of Christmas cake options, all beautifully presented in a gift box:

  • 2kg Traditional Christmas Cake | $77.00
  • 2kg Traditional Christmas Cake – gluten free option | $79.00
  • 450g Cathedral Cake – gluten and dairy free | $31.00

More information about each of the PTA’s Christmas Goodies, including the ingredients list, can be found at the link below.

  • Closing date for orders: Friday 20 October 2023
  • Cake collection: November 2023 (date TBC), Second-hand Uniform Shop


We are delighted to share this version of Hans Christian Andersen's most well-known classic story of Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’. Come and join King Triton's daughter, Ariel, along with her colourful friends from under the sea as she meets Prince Eric from the world above. Our incredible cast, crew and creative team will be joined by our fantastic live 18-piece orchestra. Immerse yourself in the magic of this beautiful love story for all ages. 

Where: St Andrew's College Gym 1
When: Wednesday 25 October – Saturday 28 October, 7.00pm–9.30pm (all shows)


The Little Mermaid 2 1 SOLD OUT

Minecraft Holiday Programme at St Andrew’s College – a few spaces left!

Book your place today! This exciting two-day programme will give your child the opportunity to explore their creativity and problem-solving skills in Minecraft Education. They will learn how to build amazing structures, solve local building challenges, and learn to automate parts of their builds with code. The programme will be led by Mr Wilj Dekkers, an experienced educator, Minecraft Global Mentor and past Innovation Lead at St Andrew’s College.

Programme Details: 

  • September 25 and 26 for Year 5–6, 9.00am–4.30pm (drop-off from 8.30am), The Green Library and Innovation Centre, St Andrew's College (in the Secondary School Quad)
  • September 28 and 29 for Year 7–8, 9.00am–4.30pm (drop-off from 8.30am), The Green Library and Innovation Centre, St Andrew's College (in the Secondary School Quad)


  • group-based creative building opportunities focused on teamwork and communication;
  • build challenges based on local construction projects taking place in the city;
  • coding challenges using Microsoft Makecode;
  • limited to a maximum number of 25 students (still a few places left).

What to bring:

  • snacks, lunch, and drink bottle;
  • BYOD (or supplied device).

Cost: $160 (incl. GST) for both days (invoices with payment details will be sent on Monday 18 September)

To book your place, please complete the registration form by clicking here. Should you have any questions, please email We look forward to seeing your child there!

Online Photography WIDE 2023

2023 Photography Online Orders

The online sales for the following 2023 photographs are now available:

  • Ballet Academy photo (NEW – option to order A3 now available);
  • Preparatory School cricket, tennis, water polo, mini jammers basketball, House and Sports Captains, and Librarians;
  • Secondary School summer sports groups (except for cricket and volleyball);
  • Secondary School cultural and music groups;
  • individual student photographs;
  • Year 9 and Year 13 whole year group photographs;
  • Secondary School tutor group photographs;
  • Preparatory School class photographs.

Details of how to order the photographs can be found on our website using the button below and you will need to log into StACNet using your St Andrew's College login.

If you have any questions relating to this service, please email