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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 12 October 2023

Advanced Notice

  • Term 4 commences on Monday 16 October at the usual time (there is no Teacher-Only Day);
  • Grandparents’ Day is at the end of next week, Friday 20 October (see below);
  • Year 1–3 students will be attending swimming lessons at Kings Pool during Weeks 2–3;
  • Labour Day is Monday 23 October – the College is closed;
  • Melanoma Awareness Week follows Labour Day, Tuesday 24 – Friday 27 October, and the Get Spotted Casual Wear Day will be held on Friday 27 October;
  • The Year 4–8 Athletic Sports Day is at Ngā Puna Wai on Tuesday 24 October.

Start of Term 4

We are looking forward to everyone returning to school on Monday. The three-week break has provided the opportunity for the children and staff to rest and rebuild following a challenging Term 3. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable break.

Grandparents’ Day | Friday 20 October, from 10.45am

Preparations are well advanced for Grandparents' Day next week, Friday 20 October. This special occasion will commence with entertainment in the Centennial Chapel at 10.45am. Following the entertainment everyone will leave the Centennial Chapel and meet up with the Preparatory and Secondary School children waiting in anticipation outside. There will be a photographer available to capture this special day for those who would like this option. Pre-school grandparents will walk to the Pre-school where the children and staff will be waiting.

Visitors on Grandparents’ Day need to register to attend and to ensure the children are released from class to meet with them. Please use the link below to register for this special day.




Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Athletics Sports Day Information | Tuesday 24 October

The Preparatory School Athletics Sports and House Event for Years 4–8 will be held on Tuesday 24 October at Ngā Puna Wai athletics track. The four Houses – Erwin, MacGibbon, Thompson and Rutherford – will compete to become the House Champions of Athletics for 2023. The purpose-built venue gives the students the experience of what it is like to compete on a professional athletics track and to also prepare those students who may qualify to compete at the ISSA Championship (Zone) and CPSSA event (Canterbury).

We will transport the students to and from the College to Ngā Puna Wai. The College will subsidise some of this cost. Students competing in the 1000m (Years 4–6) or 1200m (Years 7–8) races at 8.00am will need to arrange their own transport to Ngā Puna Wai. These events are optional and students wishing to compete need to register with Ms Phillips or their classroom teacher prior to the day.
Students will meet their class teacher in their classrooms at 7.50am for roll call and the buses will depart St Andrew's College promptly at 8.00am. Children living nearby to Ngā Puna Wai can be dropped at the stadium instead of travelling by bus from school. Parents/caregivers need to please email this information to your child’s class teacher. 
Please ensure your child has his/her hat with them and sunscreen has been applied at home. The children wear their sports gear, including tracksuits (no uniform is required for the day). Children are welcome to wear their House colours also, so long as it is a plain t-shirt and not branded. Sorry, no face paint is permitted. The children cannot wear athletics singlets due to the length of the day in the sun. PE/sports shoes must be worn to compete in all events. (NB: Spike shoes may be worn but with the sprigs removed).  No bought lunches will be available, so please make sure your child has a packed lunch and plenty of water.

Parents and whānau are warmly welcomed to join us for this exciting event. The aim of the day is to encourage the participation of all students. This is an opportunity for them to try numerous events and gain points for their House. In the case of inclement weather, the Athletics Sports postponement date is Tuesday 31 October and will be held on-site at the College. 

Christmas Cake 2 1 Tile

PTA Christmas Goodies | Orders close Friday 20 October

Orders close Friday 20 October.

  • Christmas Truffles (box of 6) | $17.00
  • Christmas Shortbread Trees (box of 8) | $14.00
  • 2kg Traditional Christmas Cake | $77.00
  • 2kg Traditional Christmas Cake – gluten free option | $79.00
  • 450g Cathedral Cake – gluten and dairy free | $31.00

More information about each of the PTA’s Christmas Goodies, including the ingredients list, can be found at the link below.

  • Cake collection: Tuesday 14 November, Tuesday 21 November, Tuesday 28 November, Tuesday 5 December, from the Second-hand Uniform Shop

2023 Photography Online Orders

The online sales for the following 2023 photographs are now available:

  • Preparatory School summer and winter sports groups (except for CPSSA tennis, Ski Team, U6 and U7 rugby);
  • Secondary School summer and winter sports groups (except for Senior A and Year 9 Silver netball, trap shooting, girls rugby, cricket and junior volleyball);
  • Secondary School cultural and music groups;
  • individual student photographs;
  • Year 9 and Year 13 whole year group photographs;
  • Ballet Academy photo (NEW – option to order A3 now available);
  • Secondary School tutor group photographs;
  • Preparatory School class photographs (except for Year 1).

Details of how to order the photographs can be found on our website using the button below and you will need to log into StACNet using your St Andrew's College login.

If you have any questions relating to this service, please email

Online Photography WIDE 2023