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Year 13 Core and Option Subjects

Nga Kaupapa Matua, Kaupapa Kōwhiringa Tau 13

24 Lessons per week

At Year 13, students are required to participate in the Physical Education/Religious Education/Health Education/Study/Electives Programme. All students study five subjects for NCEA. Students may choose to sit the Scholarship examination (additional to the NCEA Level 3 examination) in one or more subjects.

Compulsory Core Subjects

All students must study the subjects listed under the Compulsory Core Subjects tab below. These subjects are also indicated by a dark blue band with the letter 'C' on the left side.

Full year, 4 lessons each.

Physical Education/Health Education/Religious Education/Study/Electives Programme

  • Semester 1 – 1 Focus period, 1 Senior College Options Programme + 1 PHEC and 1 HLED or 1 RLED and 1 STDY
  • Semester 2 – 1 Focus period, 1 Senior College Options Programme + 1 RLED and 1 STDY or 1 PHEC and 1 HLED


Click here to view the Year 13 NCEA FAQs, which includes helpful information for parents and students for NCEA.

Option Subjects

Select five Option subjects. (Full year, 4 lessons each week. Total of 20 lessons a week).

Option Subjects appear under the Options Subjects tab below and are indicated by a light blue band with the letter 'O' on the left side. Subjects which are 'Subjects where Students are Selected' appear under both the Options Subjects tab and the Subjects where Students are Selected tab below and are indicated by a teal green band with the letter 'S' on the left side.

Curriculum Options selections will open during the afternoon on Tuesday 13 August.

Once open, you will receive an email with a personalised link to make online Option selections (for further information, refer to the sections below).

Curriculum Options selections will close and access to the online forms will be removed at 5.00pm on Wednesday 21 August.