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Preparatory School Newsletter

Thursday 8 June 2023

Please remain safety conscious and ‘on alert’ as you navigate our neighbouring streets in vehicles. The number of cars has increased as fewer children walk, scoot or bike to school. With poor visibility, it is essential crossing points are used. We are having days with brutal sun strike. If driving on Normans Road towards Papanui Road and you cannot see, please stop, and plot an alternative route.

If you use the drop-off zone, please do not attempt to turn right onto Normans Road when the Kea crossing is operating (30 minutes before school starts and 20 minutes from when school concludes). 

With sickness levels increasing, please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.

Just a reminder that dogs, even on leads, are not permitted on the College grounds. This includes Saturday sport.

Sunday Chapel

On Sunday 18 June, the Preparatory School will hold its second compulsory Chapel service for the Preparatory School. This is an important part of the school calendar as it provides the opportunity for the school and supporting parents/family to get together to celebrate the values and special nature of our school. If your child is unable to attend then please email Deputy Principal, Alex Kelley, on to make arrangements to attend an alternative chapel service at the school.

We look forward to seeing you there. Students will meet at 4.45pm for a 5.00pm start; you will receive further details next week from the classroom teacher.

Junior Choir (Year 3 to Year 5) will be required to be in the Centennial Chapel for 4.30pm for a choir warm-up and run through of the performance item for the service.

Cantare Choir (Year 6 to Year 8) will need to be seated in their choir allocated area in the Centennial Chapel at 4.45pm.

Parent Interviews – Monday 24 July to Thursday 27 July (Week 2, Term 3)

This year the interviews will be spread over four days and will be face-to-face only.  

Please note, all Years 4–8 children are required to attend the interviews. Please contact Reception if you experience any difficulty making a booking. Bookings will close Friday 21 July. 

If there is no suitable time available for you please contact your child’s class teacher directly (via email) and another day and time will be arranged.

Site link:  
School code: vjkx7

At this interview, your child’s end of Term 2 Key Competencies Report will be discussed.

Please note, Ms Orman and Mrs Wylie’s class are not included in this interview round. They have a different interview timetable.


If you are not already a user, please take a look at Netsafe via the link below. They have a useful toolkit for parents with practical ways to keep your children safe on line.

Netsafe Online Safety Parent Toolkit >



Jonathan Bierwirth
Principal of Preparatory School
Deputy for Rector


Preparatory School Prefects

On Tuesday the Preparatory School held the Prefects' Investiture for the second wave of prefects in the Centennial Chapel. It was a special occasion for these children and their families. Mrs Jillian Fenton gave a message themed around the holy spirit being God’s helper in our lives. The symbol of the burning bush is on the St Andrew’s College crest. In their leadership roles, the newly inducted prefects will also have a role to play in helping others. It was wonderful to have the whole Preparatory School present for this special occasion! Congratulations to everyone involved.

Happenings around the school

This term, as part of Aotearoa Studies, Years 3–4 students have been studying native animals in our rohe (area) and have learned about the many species of wētā that live in New Zealand.

After watching a video about wētā, Mrs Leota asked Mr Seaward, from the Maintenance Department, if he could build us a wētā motel to see if we can find wētā in the school grounds. This week we took the motel to a secret location and attached it high in a tree hoping to encourage wētā to build their home inside. The information we read told us we would have to wait for at least three months before checking if wētā had moved in.

Some children are interested in building a wētā motel to see if wētā live in their home gardens. Parents can help their children construct a motel with some help from the Department of Conservation's website here

Mr Seaward enjoyed reading the letters about wētā and meeting the students, and the students were very grateful for his help and support with their learning.

happenings around school

Student Successes

Highland Dancing Examination Results

Congratulations to the following Preparatory School Highland Dancers who all successfully passed their Academy of Highland and National Examinations.

Getting Started in Dance Level 1 (pictured) 
Nayana Abrahamson, Alissa Alborough, Sophie Bennett, Ava Blyde, Ruby Bradbury, Iselle Bromhead, Ella Nortje, Riley Squire

Honours: Iaera Abrahamson, Emily Syme
Merit Plus: Violet Winterbourn

Merit Plus: Adelyn Abrahamson
Merit: Agnes Buist

Grade 1:
Honours: Georgia Gregg, Sarah-Charlotte McKay
Merit Plus: Tayla Ford
Merit: Aysha Adair, Chloe O’Donnell

Grade 3:
Honours: Sarah McCarthy
Merit: Alice Glover

Getting Started in Dance Level 1pictured

Highland Dancing

At the Otago Centre Annual Championship Competitions for Piping and Highland and National Dancing, Iaera Abrahamson (Year 3) won the Otago Championship Irish Jig Under 8 years and Runner Up Most Points Under 8 years. Nayana Abrahamson (Year 1) was the winner of the Youngest Competitor Trophy. 

Sarah McCarthy (Year 8) won most points Trophy 12 and U14 and the Seann Triubhas Trophy, receiving a special medal for the most outstanding performance in the Highland Fling.



Baizhen (Tony) Chen (Year 7) achieved his ABRSM Violin Grade 7 with High Distinction (140/150). 


Chloe Wang (Year 5) and Jacob Wang (Year 6) competed at the Neptune King’s Birthday Swimming Club meet 2023 in Moana Pool, Dunedin, with the following results:

Jacob Wang:

  • 10–11 age group Men – 3rd place 200m breaststroke; 3rd place 100m breaststroke; 3rd place 50m breaststroke; 3rd place 50m butterfly.

Chloe Wang:

  • 9 & under age group Women – 1st place 50m backstroke; 1st place 50m breaststroke; 1st place 100m backstroke; 2nd place 100m freestyle; 2nd place 50m freestyle; 1st place 100m breaststroke; 1st place 200m freestyle; 2nd place 50m butterfly; 1st place 100m IM.
  • 9 & under age group Mixed – 2nd 25m backstroke; 2nd 25m freestyle; 3rd 25m butterfly; 3rd 25m breaststroke.

Ballroom Dancing

Holly Hembry (Year 8) travelled to Wellington over King’s Birthday Weekend to compete in the New Zealand One Dance Ballroom Championships.

Holly took part in 28 events over two days and managed to come away with 28 first placings! This meant she also won the Champion of Champions trophies in two age divisions – Pre-Teen (up to 13) and Teen (up to 16).

Rhythmic Gymnastics

Kalisa Zhang (Year 8) competed in the 18th Singapore Open Gymnastics Championships 2023, held at the end of May. She competed in the 11–12 years category A (highest grade), and won this category. She finished first overall and in ball, and second in ribbon.


Preparatory School chamber groups at NZCT Chamber Music Contest

This year two groups from the Preparatory School are taking part in the Christchurch District round of the NZCT Schools’ Chamber Music Contest. The two groups are Pickle – Hao Bo (Terence) Yang, Alexander Allan (both Year 8) and Cong (Zilong) Chen (Year 7) and Hidin’ In Strowan – Baizhen (Tony) Chen, Lexie Dong and Ethan Waines (all Year 7).

Both groups are performing in the evening session (together with two groups from the Secondary School) on Tuesday 13 June, at The Piano on Armagh Street. The session begins at 6.00pm. There is no entry charge.

The session will last about two hours, with the groups who are to play in the District Final the following evening announced after the final group (our own Trio de l’Aube) has performed. Pickle are the second group to play in the session, and Hidin’ In Strowan are 6th, after the interval which will be at approximately 7.00pm.


During this technology-focused presentation, St Andrew’s College staff and members of the College wider community will discuss the topic of technology and adolescent well-being. They will present their ideas about the positive and negative impacts of technology use and will reflect on the approach St Andrew’s has adopted in response to research about technology, pornography, teaching and learning and social media.

The evening will conclude with a panel discussion where parents will have the opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback, and consider strategies they can adopt at home to promote positive technological use and prioritise well-being.

Date: Tuesday 20 June
Time: 6.30pm–8.00pm
Location: Centennial Chapel

StAC Talks 2x1 Session 4

Arts in Action Showcase – Year 7 and Year 8 Students

Arts in Action Showcase – Year 7–8 Students

Coming up on Wednesday 21 June we have our first ever Arts in Action Showcase in the Centennial Chapel. The evening is an opportunity for students in Years 7–8 to share some of the learning that has taken place over Semester 1 in Art, Drama and Music classes. Learning in the arts has a strong focus on developing skills and processes which take a great deal of time. During the evening you will see pieces at various stages of completion. 

Feel free to bring family and friends along. We expect the evening to be no longer than 80 minutes. The following classes and groups will be sharing:

Music items: All students in 7S, 7T, 8S and 8T
Drama items: All students in 7S and 7A
Film items: All students in 8C and 8S
Art Pieces: 7A, 7C, 8A and 8C (current half classes in Art)
D Squared Drama Group
Two Preparatory School Chamber Groups – Pickle and Hiding in Strowan

Date: Wednesday 21 June
Time: 7.00pm
Location: Centennial Chapel